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If anyone ever told me that my self absorbed, cheating mother who abandoned my siblings and I would be seated in my house-in my living room, I would've said that person was on crack; and that they didn't know my mother.

Although now that I think of it, I don't know my mother either.

As she sits down there with a ghost of a smile on her face, sipping apple juice from a china tea cup with her pinkie finger stuck out, laughing at something Rukeme said; I realize that I don't know her.

And that makes me upset.

Upset that Rukeme would let a stranger in our home.

"When are you leaving?" I speak up from the corner of the room where I stand.

She turns to look at me, her face falling a bit, "Jojo Lee-"

"I'd rather you call me by my name" I fold my arms, moving out of the corner and towards the chair where she sat.

She shuts her eyes and sighs deeply like she's tired...Tired of me.

"Kess, can we do this tomorrow?" She requests with a fake smile.

"No-" I start but Rukeme interrupts me by turning on the television. He looks at me tiredly as well.

"Kess, go upstairs. You've had a long day" He orders.

I stay rooted in my position for a moment, looking from him to her and from her to him again.

"Indeed I have" I say and go up to my room, making it a point of duty to slam my door harder than necessary. Twice.

Sighing loudly, I take off my clothes and go to my bathroom. I spend a lot of time in there just letting the cold water hitting my skin reflect how I feel inside. Cold.

When I discern I'm on the edge of getting hypothermia, I get out of the tub and dry my skin, and change into my PJ's. I sit on my bed and it sinks beneath me-another reflection of how I feel. Down.

My hair is still dripping with water, and I feel the onset of a cold, but I couldn't care less.

Then I sneeze.

And again.


Then it becomes a whole sneezing fit, I go to my closet and retrieve my beige duvet and wrap it around my self, climbing back on my bed with the thing trailing behind me. I sniffle a bit and lie down because right now, sleep is the only thing I'm certain of.

"Kess?" Rukeme calls from behind my door.

I ignore him, hoping he'd go away.

"Kess, I know you're awake...Let me in please"

I remain in my spot, not willing to make any move, then without warning, my door swings open and Rukeme enters. His usual calm demeanor is replaced by a stern look.

I sit up on my bed, snuggling my duvet even tighter making no attempt to welcome him.

He looks at me for a second, his chest heaving up and down from exertion and probably frustration, then he stretches his hand towards me. Only then do I notice the mug in his right hand with steam seeping from it.

"Chamomile tea. I heard you sneeze" His tone is less confrontational and I relax a fraction noticing his genuine concern.

"I don't want it" I lie.

"It's fine, I'll just leave it here" He says as he lowers his hand and moves towards my vanity table and places the cup there.

"Thank you" I mumble.

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