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I enter the prestigious St.Williams memorial school and what I see gives me the shock of my life.

Absolutely nothing.

My school is as quiet as a graveyard, which means only one thing.

I'm terribly late!

From the serenity of the school compound, I can tell its first period.
I avoid some nosy female teachers standing in the hallway gossiping about everything with a soul.

Don't they have classes to go to?

I take a right turn to the main stairs leading directly to my class instead of the other stairs for latecomers.

Perks of being a senior!

I deeply inhale and exhale before knocking on my class door.
A deep baritone voice half yells from the other side of the door,"Come in!"

I immediately enter my classroom SS3A, the Science class.
The room is painted cream white with scientific chartboards pasted all around the walls.
The chairs are arranged in three rows with two students seated on each desk.

Talk about comfortable.

Yes, I was being sarcastic.

"Earth to Captain Kaycee" Mr.Daron, the English teacher calls waving his hands at me.

"Sir?" I respond.

"Well, if you don't mind, I was in the middle of a lesson before you decided to grace us with your presence, so can you...." He points to my seat.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir" I reply curtly before leaving for my seat.

I spot Ebuka, my best friend since Jss1 with his fingers stroking his sharp jawline only half listening to Mr.Daron whilst fighting sleep.

I scoot my way to my seat ignoring the hushed mentions of my name amongst the girls in my

What is it with girls and gossip?

I'm about to sit down when I notice something, more like someone in my chair. I glance at Ebuka who is my seatmate for an explanation but he's avoiding eye contact with me.
I examine the figure seated on my chair with his/her head rested on the desk. From the rhythmic rise and fall of said figure's back, I can easily discern he or she is asleep.

Congrats Mr. Daron,you make a good lullaby!

"Ebuka! Who is on my chair?" I ask still standing and probably blocking some people's view of the board but I didn't care.


Of course it was a girl, why else would Ebuka give my seat away?

"Kaycee, move you're blocking the view!" Somto, an obnoxious guy says from behind.

"I am the view" I reply angrily.

Somto really irks me out 'cause of what he did to Ebuka and I last year.

I tap Sleeping Beauty while simultaneously glaring at Ebuka for betraying me.
I keep on tapping lightly on her shoulder to get her to wake up but it doesn't work, it only seems to make her sleep deeper.

In a few seconds, I come up with something I'm not proud of, but I was getting kind of irritated so I jerked her awake by hitting my fist violently besides her head or at least where I thought her head was 'cause i couldn't really see her face.

Sleeping beauty flinches at the sound, but then slowly her tensed up shoulders relax.
I'm about to think I'm not making any progress until she begins to stir in my seat, a barely audible yawn surfaces from beneath the chair.

The Perfect-ish BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now