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My thoughts are interrupted by Miss Joy asking if there were any new students in class. My eyes immediately shift to Kess who is shuffling her feet as if there isn't a thing to worry about in the world.

I envy her.

"We have a new student ma" Somto says rubbing his palms together like a housefly.

In what planet is that cool?

"Who is it? Please stand up wherever you are" Miss Joy orders with a smile.

Kess groans softly and rolls her eyes before standing.
With the way she stands, there's no doubt that she's confident and comfortable in her skin.

"Wow!" Miss Joy exclaims,clearly astonished, causing some boys to start clapping and cheering.

"Come on, will you keep quiet? Is this a talent show?" Miss Joy asks.

"No ma, it's a beauty contest" Calvin, the class clown suggests causing some boys to roar in laughter.

Some girls roll their eyes in mock disinterest while some hiss and click their tongues obviously jealous of the new girl.

Total cliché.

Miss Joy facepalms her forehead with a slight frown before she says,"Don't mind them dear,come

Kess unwillingly makes her way to the front of the class.

"Alright sweetie, welcome to our school. What's your name?" Miss Joy asks when Kess reaches the front.

The whole class goes so quiet you could hear a pin drop, each one of us awaiting her response.

"My name is Kessena Jo Iniemogha" She says noncommitally.

I wonder what Jo's short for?

"Ok Kessena, can you tell the class more about yourself?" Miss Joy asks.

"What's there to know?" She questions without interest.

"Everything" Somto says trying hard not to sound creepy.

"How about this, we play something similar to twenty questions, that way your classmates can learn whatever it is they want about you" Miss Joy suggests.

"Yes!!!" Are my annoying classmates replies.

"Ok, I'll ask the first question. Are you Igbo?" Miss Joy asks.

"Not really" She says in a dismissive tone.

"Are you a fan of BTS?" Somadina, a girl obsessed with Kpop asks.

"What is BTS?" Kess asks causing some girls to shriek in disbelief.

"You don't know BTS?" Somadina demands.

"Should I?" Kess shrugs.

"How can yo-"

"Alright, next question" Miss Joy interrupts.

"Who's your favorite musician?" Naza, a shy girl asks.

"I don't have one" Kess replies.

"What's your favorite color?" Ebuka inquires.


"Do you have siblings?" Jamila asks in her thick Northern accent.

"Yeah, I have a brother"

"How is he?" She leans forward, peering through the top of her gold-rimmed glasses in interest.


Jamila's face turns pale as she gasps in horror.

"-To me" Kess keeps a straight face.

Now, that's messed up.

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