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We sit in silence. Both of us lost in the labyrinth of our thoughts, the hum of the car engine, the only sound between us.
Outside, the morning sun casts long shadows across the suburban streets; painting a picture of a world that seems indifferent to the turmoil inside the car.

A relationship between mother and child irreparably severed by choice, or should I say fate. I know I need to say something to her, but a stubborn part of me resists, and I sense she feels the same way.

'Is this the right turn?' had been the only thing she had said to me since we started this journey. After which a palpable silence, deep and unbridgeable follows. Even though part of me craves this quiet, I can't shake off the resentment it stirs within me.

From time to time I find myself glancing in her direction secretly hoping she might break the silence...Maybe apologise about leaving and tearing our family apart or perhaps comment on something insignificant like the weather-anything to fill the silence.

Anyways, whatever, I don't care.

"That's your school right?" She points.

I look outside the window and nod.

"Okay then" She says and makes a sharp turn, "My! Look at the colors, quite fancy-though not as fancy as your old school" She remarks.

"And I'd have still been there if not for you" I mumble but I'm pretty sure she heard me cause her lips pucker a bit.

"Here you go" The car comes to a halt. "Have a great day Jo-I mean Kess" She corrects herself, avoiding eye contact.

I turn to face her completely, my eyes narrowing a fraction, "Really?"


"So that's what you're going to do? Ruin my life and then give me the silent treatment?" I accuse.

She laughs, a sharp, unexpected sound that attempts to cut through the tension.

"Good to see that I amuse you" I frown.

"Baby, you're the one giving me the silent treatment" She deadpans, "And apart from that I thought you needed some space?"

"Oh! You thought I needed some space? And you decided to drive me to school?!"

"Excuse me young lady, you will not speak to me like that!" Her voice rises in defiance. She pauses, looking around as students pass by, some glancing curiously at our car. I couldn't care less.

She heaves a sigh and reclines in her seat, tapping lightly on the steering wheel in visible irritation, "Look JoJo-Lee, you might not like it but I'm still your mother-"

I scoff.

She ignores me and continues, "And like it or not, I still demand respect. I'm also aware that I'm not winning 'Mother of the year' anytime soon, but I'm here now. Isn't that all that matters?"

She reaches out and touches my hair, brushing back a few strands. Her familiar perfume wafts over me, stirring memories I don't want to revisit. I'm about to say something when someone taps lightly on the window. It's Ariel.

What does he want?

"Hey Kess, Good morning Ma" He greets with a grin and a wave.

"Yeah, good morning. You must be Jojo's friend?" She asks sweetly.

Definitely not.

"I sure hope so" He laughs.

"Alright, would you give us a minute um...?"

"Ariel-My name is Ariel and yes of course" He nods courteously and makes a beeline for the school gate.

"You wanted to say something baby?"

"It's nothing" I shrug and shake my head.

"Okay" She sighs.

I unlock my seatbelt, open the car door and step down. "Have a great day!" She waves at me.

"Yeah, um please can you have Rukeme pick me up after school?" I ask.

Her eyes fall a bit but she maintains her composure, "Of course, I'll let him know. Bye" She starts the engine and drives off.


"So Jojo huh?"

Ariel has been teasing me about my nickname since the whole day, first in the morning when I met him waiting for me to walk me to assembly, then at Geography class which we happen to have together, then at the cafeteria and now on the field where I somehow got convinced by Simone to join the girl's football team.
Believe me, it was either that or the cheer squad and God forbid I join them.

I don't like that this school only has a football team, my other school had varieties of sport activities to choose from like basketball, volleyball, swim team and tennis. That way the students were always occupied and didn't have the strength to annoy each other just like this boy is annoying me now.

"I just want to know what it's short for" Ariel raises his hand in mock innocence after I glare at him.

"Come on, Is it Josephine, Joanne? Or maybe Joshua?" He chuckles.

"Don't you have something less aggravating to do?" I question.

"Of course, welcome to the William Tigers" He says with a smile, "I'll see you around Kess"

To my greatest relief, he scurries off to the other side of the field where some boys are doing some drills. I wonder how they are putting up without Kaycee?

"Kessena Iniemogha" A tall dark skinned lady holding a clipboard who later introduces herself as Coach Rania calls for me, after which I am given a jersey and some shorts to go change and join the rest of the girls on the field. I have to admit it was kinda fun and I am actually looking foward to it tomorrow.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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