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After the long assembly, the Principal tells the new students to wait behind for an Orientation session.
I have no choice but to sit through a boring record of the school's history.

".....And that was how the school's motto was formed. Remember as a student of Williams Memorial, there are certain criteria that are expected of you. This is not just a school, its an elevator to success"

"That's an interesting way to put it" A girl with cornrows beside me mutters.

She turns to face me and I pretend to be engrossed in the Principal's speech.

"You can't actually be paying attention." She leans playfully to my side.

I shrug nonchalantly.

"I'm Simone Okoye" She stretches her hand for a hand shake.

"Kess Iniemogha" I boringly say.

"Hi Kess, Nice to meet you" She grins widely.

"Please note that every student must be involved in at least one after-school activity. We have varieties of options, Drama Club, Press and Debate, GBV club, Art and Crafts and a whole lot more".
The principal explains.

"You are expected to belong to one by the end of the day" He continues.
"That will be all. Dismissed!"

I exit the assembly hall and move to the school hallway when I notice students reading something posted on a large signboard.

"Hey Kess, me again!" The girl from the assembly hall waves animatedly at me.
"I hope you don't mind if I tag along, this is my first day"

That explains the hyperactivity.

"Hmm" is my gruff response.

We move towards the signboard and struggle past the horde of students in our way.

From what I gather, the football team is looking for a new striker and tryouts start today.

"My cousin's on the football team" Simone tells me.

"Nice" I reply.

She looks at me like I just grew two heads.

"Nice? The William Tigers are the face of this school, alongside the William Angels. To be a part of one is a huge achievement"


"I've always wanted to be an Angel! Now's my chance. Let's go sign up!" She tugs at my shirt like a little kid.

I let her drag me outside the hallway to a large field with a lot of new girls in a queue writing their names on a paper.

"That's where we write our names!" Simone points at the girls. "And that's Crystal-Claire, the leader of the cheer squad" She points at the annoying girl from yesterday.

What a stuck up name!

"Yeah! That's good to know but um- I'm not signing up" I cross my arms tiredly.

"Oh, I'm sorry- I assumed you were-"

"I'm not" I shrug.

"That makes sense, you seemed kinda....." She trails off.

"Kinda what?" I ask, but she looks distracted by something. As a matter of fact, most of the girls do.

"OMG! Its him!" Simone squeals.


Curly haired guy with a bunch of other really tall and muscular dudes run to the field.

"Its Andre Kaycee Chidi, the captain of the football team!" A chubby girl on my right announces, causing an uproar.

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