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The ride home is awfully quiet as I can't stop thinking about Peter.

The silence is killing me so I take Jessie's phone off the dashboard and connect it to the car's Bluetooth speaker.

Jessie snorts when I play 'Just Drive' by Joseph Allen.

"You have the music taste of a lovesick teen" She comments.

I shrug and turn to the window, more interested in the passing trees than my sister.

"You seem gloomier than usual" Jessie bobs her head to the music.

I can't bring myself to tell my family about Peter...I'm worried the way they see me might change.
That they might be disappointed in me or even worse, pity me.

I don't want pity. I don't deserve it.

"Are you okay?" Jessie asks.

"Yeah" I force a smile. "I think I've made an enemy though"

Jessie turns for a moment to examine my face in bewilderment, "An enemy? Guy or Girl?"



"She's a newcomer and I think she hates my guts" I sigh.

"Whatever did you do to her dear brother?" Jessie mocks.

I narrate the whole chair incident and the way I subtly stood up for Kess for no valid reason and how Crystal-Claire thinks I've got a thing for her.

Jessie's lips hang open the whole time just like they do when she's confused,"That's a lot of information to process".

Her eyes widen in sudden realization, she smacks my knee, her eyes still focused on the road, "You made Crystal-Claire think you like her? What are you? An idiot?"

"I didn't do it on purpose, how was I supposed to know she was gonna make a deal out of it? I guess I wasn't thinking straight" I scratch my neck nervously.

"Must be some girl to get you to stop thinking straight" Jessie deliberately makes a sharp turn causing my head to slam the window lightly.
I massage my head while wincing.

"I never did like that Crystal-Claire" She pauses for effect, "I normally don't like people with two first names, they're mostly stuck up individuals"

"Not all of them though" I run my fingers through my hair.

"Yeah that's true" A shy smile creeps up her cheeks.


"Look, I don't know why you think the new girl hates you...I mean look at you, you're lovable and cute. No one could possibly hate you" Jessie said as she pulled into our driveway.

If only she knew.

When we get in, I rush up the stairs to my room to take my bath after which I pull on some shorts with a tank top.

I head to the kitchen and open the cupboard craving some sour cream Pringles and soda but the container is empty.

I groan in anger as I trash the empty container. Everyone knows that sour cream Pringles are mine. I ask for so little.

"Kids, your father wants to Facetime. Living room.now!" Mom yells.

When we're all in the living room, Mom places her laptop on the center table and calls Dad who is currently in Germany doing some work.

"Hi Dad!!" We all chorus when his face appears on the screen.

"Hey! Mi familia" Dad greets with a wide smile that crinkles his eyes at the sides.

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