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My hands quiver as I knock on the principal's door. Unaware of what awaits me, and mentally unprepared.

The door opens and I walk in with my head bent in shame and reverence.

I've never been to the principal's office for any misconduct before, so I'm currently experiencing an overwhelming frisson of fear.

Mr. Elvis and Somto are also in the principal's office, both somehow hurt by my violent behaviour today.

Although one was far more deserving than the other.

Somto stands a few meters away from me, but I can almost taste the hatred in his eyes.

His breaths are huff and raggedly, his shirt torn and soiled, there's a bruise beginning to form above his left cheekbone where I punched him.
He keeps clenching and unclenching his teeth-his messed up strategy of intimidation.

I continue to stare at him intently, refusing to recoil; he looks away.

Mr. Elvis clears his throat vehemently, almost like a subtle warning to the both of us.

"Both of you. Sit" Principal Godfrey commands in a monotonous voice.

Somto and I both settle down on the metal bench in the office-a relatively large gap between us.

"Kenechukwu Andre Chidi alias Kaycee" The principal reads from a book open on his desk and looks at me with an arched brow for confirmation.

I nod in response.

He looks back at the book and reads, "Victor Somto Anikechi"

"Yes sir" Somto verifies.

"Now" He shuts the book with ease and looks at me, his lips twitching in irritation, "You're the Captain of the football team aren't you?"

"Yes" I say.

"You intentionally assaulted a classmate, damaged school property and ditched biology class. Am I right?" He doesn't wait for an answer.

"And you" His voice goes an octave higher. "This isn't the first time you've been in my office for fighting-"

"But sir, he punched me first!" Somto interjects rudely like the spoilt brat he is.

"So what if he punched you first?! Whatever happened to reporting to a teacher? Or even me for heaven's sake!" He pauses and massages his forehead.

"And I know for certain that Kaycee would not just punch you if you hadn't said something provocative to him"

"All I said was that he was the one who ruined Peter-"

"Somto!" I don't know when the sound escapes my mouth. My hands grip the railings on the bench and I feel my stomach churn in anxiety and guilt.

The images of that day flash in my mind-more vivid this time.

Her face.

The blood.


My breathing becomes rapid and I can only imagine how entertaining my breakdown must be to Somto.

"Kaycee, what's with the theatrics?" Mr. Elvis makes a sweep in my direction; his eyes twinkling with amusement.

But I don't find it funny one bit.

No one would find loosing a friend funny. Especially, if it's all your fault.


"What?!" Ebuka cries, horror written all over his face, drawing the attention of few in the cafeteria.

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