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Unknown POV

Maintaining a safe distance as always, I watch as the golden boy approaches his house in total oblivion. He seems lost in thought, and I can bet it has something to do with that girl. Ever since she literally announced his suspension to the world, he's been solemn. She has an effect on him and I have a feeling it'll be to my advantage.

She just might be the last thing I need to ruin Kaycee. Like he ruined me. Like he ruined everything.

I know Kaycee. I know him even better than he knows himself. His allergies, his hair products, his password, his deepest regrets; I know what keeps him up at night. Everything. I have eyes on him wherever he goes, At school, at home, at the supermarket, on the field. Everywhere.

And there's absolutely nothing about Kenechukwu Andre Chidi's existence that excites me. That's why I want to put an end to it. His existence.

It's why I sent Somto an anonymous text last night, It's why I instigated him against Kaycee. Said he was undeserving of his Captain roles. Knowing Somto, he took my advice and went up to challenge Kaycee. It's why a fight broke out, like I predicted. It's why Kaycee got suspended, like I wanted. It's because I know all his triggers. And I know who's the biggest one of them.

I pull my phone from my pocket, prepared to execute the newest phase of my plan. I dial Jamal and he picks up on the first ring, "Where's my money?" He asks.

"Send the package first" I command.

"That's not how this business runs, you of all people should know that-"

"Send it Jamal, then you get your money"

"Fine. Which one?" He sighs.

I lift my head and observe as Kaycee opens the door to his house, unaware of my presence. Unaware of what's coming to him. I raise the phone receiver to my lips, a smirk forming at the corners, "Jamal, get me the usual".

Thanks for reading.....

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