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"Fck," I muttered as I wipe the blood on my forehead with cotton damped with alcohol.

If you ask me why I'm bleeding, well, I scraped it when I didn't notice a shoe on the floor. I tripped then lost my balance and my forehead hit the edge of my study table. Long story short, my stupidity just kicked in.

I looked up when I heard a knock on my door. I frowned. I'm not expecting a visitor today, so who could this be?

I sigh as I walked to the door to open it. But when I did, I froze at my place.

What a beauty. Jennie Kim.

"Hi love!" She hugged me tight and kissed the corner of my lips.

Yeah, she's that clingy. Anyone who would see us will really think we're a couple. I used to cringe at the thought but now, why am I blushing? I don't really know.

"H-hey, what are you doing here?" I stuttered because I was not expecting her to visit my place. It will always be me going to hers or us going out. This is first.

"You said you're busy today and you can't go to my place so I went here instead because I miss you." She pouted

Jennie, you don't mean that. Stop.

But it's too late. My heart is already beating abnormally. My god Lisa, calm down.

"I also brought pizza!" She exclaimed while giving me her gummy smile.

I said stop! My heart's getting crazier! What's happening?

I forced myself to calm down as I hastily turned around and guided her inside.

I am busy calming myself down when she suddenly spoke with low voice causing me to halt my steps.

"Lalisa, turn around."

I gulped. I completely forgot my cut. She might have noticed it. How did she even see it through my bangs?

Help! Jennie Kim is going to kill me! I slowly turned around with a fake confused face. But heck, I'm freaking out internally!!

"What happened to this?" She grabbed my arm and pulled me to take a closer look at my cut.

"I-I bumped onto my study table because I s-slipped." I told her slowly.

She just sighed. I know, she's mad. This girl is so overprotective at me and even though I'm grateful for that, there are times I would wish she wasn't, and this moment is one of those times.

She made me sit down at my bed and what shocked me the most is that she didn't bother to look for a seat and she just sat on my lap.

"Love...can you stop being clumsy?"

She said as she picked the cotton to clean my wound, herself.

"I'm sorry..." I smiled guiltily as I held her waist to keep her from falling.

I heard her sigh again.

"You better do. I don't want to see you suddenly bleeding just because you're stupid."

I smiled at her. Her words may be harsh but I know it's her way of saying..."You're making me worried all the time."

"Stop smiling." She glared then she pressed the cotton a little harder that I winced.

"Ow! That hurts!" I pouted.

"Sorry love. I'll be careful next time." I added while still pouting.

She didn't answer and just continued tending my cut. I didn't notice, I'm already staring at her.

Damn it, she's too close. And she smells nice. But she always smells nice Lis. My heart goes abnormal again. What if she hears my loud heart? Wait, why do I sound like a creep? What's wrong with me? Lisa you dummy!

But seriously, why is she so pretty? These days, I really don't know why she's getting more beautiful. I stared at her cute mole under her eyebrow, then to her cat eyes that pierce through my soul, then to her cute mandu cheeks, then to her cute nose, then to her plump lips. I wonder how do they feel against mine?

Wait, what? Lis get your sht together!! She's your friend!

"Done stupid!" She said suddenly that brought me back to reality.

"Yah, I said sorry!" I said pouting again.

"Yah? Yah! I'm older than you!"

"Hehe sorry babeee," I kissed her nose to calm her down.

She sighed and suddenly stared at me so I stared at her back. I don't know what's happening but I found ourselves leaning towards each other. We were only a few centimeters apart and I can already feel her warm breath on my lips. I was about to close the gap when she suddenly bolted up to my dismay.

Fck. What were you thinking Lisa?

"I-I--" I stuttered as I don't know what to say.

"What are you up to babe?" She cut me off as she went to my study table.

I get it. She doesn't want to talk about it. So I just forced myself to dismiss it.

"I-I'm doing a short research paper. I'm about to finish."

"Oh. Can you finish that then can we cuddle after?" She pouted.

There goes my heart again.

Jennie...what are you doing to me?


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