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Almost three weeks has passed since that night and Jennie and I rarely meet now especially this week because she, too, is very busy. But we still call each other whenever we can because we're clingy.

I know, I know, I should stick to my moving on 'plan' but we just can't get enough of each other.

I don't even know at this point what are we because with these feelings of mine and her confusing (at least to my part) sweet actions, I couldn't help but hope a little that she feels something for me too.

I shook my head. Lisa, you're such a loser, she would never like you.

This week is exam week and it has been very hectic. I lack of sleep and wasn't able to eat on time so I must look like a rag right now. I just finished my last exam and I'm on the way to my apartment to get my well-deserved sleep. But I feel like passing out so I decided to grab some coffee to keep my senses awake.

I lazily pressed the vending machine and waited for my coffee. But then, I suddenly felt something wet on my cheek.

When I looked on my side, there I saw an angel on earth, the love of my life, Jennie Kim.

"You look like someone who's smoked too much weed today."

I rolled my eyes at her. Way to ruin the mood Jen. But she just chuckled which instantly washed away all my supposed-to-be-annoyance and tiredness. That's my favorite sound in the whole world.

"That's so nice of you to greet me, love. Hello to you too!"

She laughed again and hugged my waist. I then heard a fake cough.

"Hi chu! I didn't notice you, I'm sorry."

I waved at her. She smiled at me and waved back.

"It's okay Lis."

I just smiled. I then grabbed my coffee and we started walking out of the university...or not.

"Jen, where are we going?"

"I'm driving you home." She answered as she continued to drag me towards the parking lot with Chu tailing behind us.

"But--" I was about to protest.

"Nope. Look at you Lalisa, you barely even stand still. I won't let you take a cab and then pass out."

I stayed silent because I have no more energy. I just let her drag me to her car. And not long after she started the engine, I immediately felt darkness taking over me.


I am currently lying here at my bed, scrolling through my phone. It's Saturday and I got the whole weekend to relax. I suddenly heard my stomach grumble and I remember my fridge is empty so I decided to go out to eat. Just a simple McDonald's to treat myself.

When I reached McDonald's, there were a lot of people, mostly families, so there aren't much seats available. When I finally got my order, I went to search for any vacant seat. Luckily, I found one in front of a woman who's eating alone.

"Hi miss, can I share a table with you---"

When the woman raised her head, I was surprised because it's Jisoo.

"Oh, Jisoo! Hello!" I said a little more enthusiastically.

"Hey Lis. Sure! Sure!" She chuckled.

We chatted about a lot of things. Jisoo is really a nice and funny person. No wonder she's best friend's with Jennie. I internally sighed. Why am I thinking about her again? I thought we're trying to move on Lis?

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