Chapter 5 The Ghost of Abusive

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Narrator POV:
"Seems here your DNA and health are fine. Your good to go." Conner said to Y/n. The doctor told her about the check up and same to the others because doctor order. "Thanks Connor, you know you-" "I know but I wanna make sure you guys are in good health, like for a example the sickness and the injuries. Gotta make sure." Connor smile at her. She smile back to him get up from the metal table exit from underground medical room head upstairs. It's where Connor work there to take care the others, first he work at the hospital and second he take care of the killers to make sure they're in good condition, so he had two jobs.

"Hey Y/n, how's the check up?" Her zombie father said sitting on the couch watching tv with Thomas. "It was fine, I'm in good health. Nothing happen." Two of them smile at her look back at the tv. Y/n head upstairs, back of her neck her hair rise up feeling something cold flew pass by her. She look over her shoulder see nothing. She sigh head to her share bedroom see Lena reading a story to Sam.

They look up from the book see her, "Hey girl, how's the check up?" Lena ask. Y/n gave her a thumbs up. Lena notice something going on with her "Are you okay? It seems you seen a ghost." Y/n nod her head. Their bedroom door knock "Come in" it open reveal Y/n father. "Hey, wanna come with us? Me and the others are going to get some dinner at the restaurant." Lena grab Sam in her arms walk toward him "You guys go out with me, I had chores to do around the house." They look at her confused before they exit the bedroom.

Y/n look through the window see her father and Lena and others are going inside the truck and car then drove off. She sigh exit her bedroom to do some chores around the house. The chores she doing is vacuuming in every room, laundry, dishes, fixing the bed, those kind she doing. After she finish few chores she doing laundry next.

She put the dirty clothes minding her own business while listening some music from her wireless earbuds. She felt the same feeling again, she turn around see nothing. 'Weird, that feeling again, where did that come from?' She thought. She peak her head out the laundry room look both sides see nothing.

She shrug it off went back to doing laundry singing the lyrics. A woman in messy clothes and messy hair from behind her glare at her with her black eye socket. She growl then disappeared. Y/n turn around hearing the sound of growl but nothing 'The fuck was that? Why I hear and feel something? Something is not right.' She thought.

After an hour of cleaning around the house, she plop on her bed sigh heavily after a long chores around the house. She look at the clock from her night stand read '5:47 pm'. "Looks like the other will be back in few more minutes. I think it's time to relax after a hard work." She pull the blanket about to shut her eyes. Suddenly the sound come from downstairs, Y/n get up from her bed head downstairs to check what's making that loud noise.

She see a broken plates on the floor, she grab the pieces throw them into the trash. "I should probably buy extra plates tomorrow." She turn around but she jump back seeing a woman all white with messy hair and clothes. She move her head up glaring at her, Y/n eye widen in shock notice that familiar face. " no no! How! What are you doing here mother?!" The woman smirk. "Well hello you little brat. Wanna know how I become this. Well let's say I become a ghost after you kill me about almost a year. So I was looking for you and planning to finish you you stupid brat. But I change my mind because something came into my head."

The ghost mother charge at her grab her by the neck throw her at the wall. Y/n get up quickly, she head upstairs but the ghost mother went into her body possessing her daughter body. Y/n grip her hair scream in agony try to control her body from letting her abusive mother take control.

The door slam open reveal Micheal and the other behind him. "Seriously Michael I got that door fix up. Honestly you should-...what the fuck?" The others saw Y/n screaming from upstairs. She see them and said "Guys! Help me! It my abusive mother! She trying to possess my body! Help!" Hannibal and Pennywise run toward her grab her bring her down tied her up on the chair with the chain.

"Pennywise! Go get the Bible book and wooden cross from the library it's on the table." Pennywise hurry to the library in a rush. The others circle around Y/n seeing her squirm and screaming. "How is this possible? My ex wife became a ghost and try to take over my daughter body." Y/n father panic.

Pennywise came back with a bible book and wooden cross. Hannibal open the Bible held the wooden cross front of Y/n chanting the words. Once he said the last sentence the ghost got out from Y/n body. "Ugh! You bastards! I'll kill you all!" She look her ex husband, she scoff in disgust. "So you became a zombie, gross."

"Why are you doing this?" The zombie father ask "After I had come back as a ghost I'm planning to kill you all using my daughter body. I know everything what happen, when she became in that monster form I'm planning to use her body and kill you all!" She cackle. "I don'r think so." Y/n break free from the chain  grab the wooden cross from Hannibal hand jump toward her ghost mother than slash her in half.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" She scream in pain til she vanish. Y/n sigh heavily fell onto her knees. The others help her up "Y/n how you do that taking her down with one slash?" Stu ask. "Hannibal cover the wooden cross with salt. It effect ghost." She answer then pass out in slumber.

Michael carry her bridal style heading to her bedroom "Glad my ex wife is gone. I don't wanna see her again." Y/n father sigh. He felt something on his shoulder look over she Pennywise and Hannibal "Hey, I know how you feel. Your daughter is strong to hold her mother from possessing her body and take her down. We know how we all felt about her but we can take her of her. She is part of our family and we'll take care and protect her." Hannibal said.

"Yeah, plus she is like a little sister to me. When she told me everything since she was a child I promise myself I protect her from bad people." Pennywise said with a grin. The father zombie gave them a smile and said "Thanks guys" head upstairs went into Y/n bedroom see her sleeping form. He sat on her bed staring at her peaceful look, he pat her head and move stranded of hair away from her face. He gave a kiss on her forehead before he left her room.

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