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Narrator POV:
"I don't know what it is Michael, I found it on the shelf while reading my book in my room til I found it. What do you think?" Y/n said. Michael shrug his shoulders. Y/n stare at the bottle with black liquid inside. She open it giving a small whiff "I don't smell anything, maybe one sip won't hurt."

She drink a small sip and hand it to Michael, she look around every where of her body that supposed to happen but nothing. "Hmm, guess nothing happened probably it was-"

Suddenly a purple smoke appear around Y/n covering her form. Michael quickly place the bottle on the table and brush the purple smoke away to find Y/n but she gone. Michael started to panic but he stop hearing a child voice.

"S-sir?" He look down see a small girl with h/c, s/c, e/c and wore big clothes that is too big for her. Michael analyze the girl til he figure out who the girl is, Y/n. He pick her small form in his arms staring at her and she stare back at him like they're having an staring contest.

"Hey Michael have you seen-what the! Where did you find that girl?" Rusty came downstairs and saw Michael holding the girl. Michael place Y/n on the couch bring out his notepad and pencil from his pocket started to write.

"That's Y/n, she drank the bottle that she found from her shelf and turn into a child." He explain. "Damn seriously? I'll tell the others about it." Rusty brought slashers downstairs and show them child Y/n and explain everything.

"Seriously? My daughter turn into a child?" Rusty  nod his head handed the child to her father. The father look at his daughter, Y/n look at him and smile "I love your face! Look so cool!" The father feel his undead heart melting seeing her bright smile.

"Okay I read the bottle and it said it will worn off in 24 hours." Hannibal explain. "So that means we gotta wait til Y/n turn back to normal by tomorrow?" Lena question. "Indeed, we gotta take care of her til she come back. But there's more, after drinking the potion the person  can't remember anything of their old self. So Y/n doesn't remember anything." Hannibal explain.

"Alrighty than, let's take care of Y/n." Pennywise said while playing the child Y/n with stuff bear causing her to laugh. "Oh and Stu and Billy." The two boys look at the zombie father glaring at them "You better not do something stupid to my daughter. I know what your thinking and it's not gonna happen." Jason, Michael and the Critters are behind him giving the boys the death glare.

"Y-Y-Yes sir!!!" They salute, the others head to room to mind their own business except Jason, Michael and the Critters are staying downstairs to keep an eye on Y/n. Jason and Michael sitting on the couch watching over Y/n seeing her play with Critters. Few group of Critters pick her up giving her a ride and it made her laugh.

"Hey Y/n!" She look at the stairs see her father coming down with kid size clothes in his hands. "I brought clothes from Sam for you to wear since  there's no store around the woods so he let me. Now pick one you like." He place few clothes the floor front of her.

Y/n pick up red shirt and black short pants "These two!" She grin. The father chuckle and take her to the bathroom to change. After Y/n finish changing she continue to play with the Critters. "Hey you two better take care of my daughter I had to take care important stuff with the others. Okay?" Michael and Jason gave him a thumbs up.

"I'm trusting you two." And the zombie father head upstairs to take care some important stuff with the others. The quiet mens didn't notice Y/n walk toward them and said "Excuse me..." they look at her "W-wanna draw w-with me?" She said in soft tone. Michael and Jason nodded their heads "Oh! Did I hear you wanna draw?" Pennywise appear out nowhere and pick up Y/n causing her to squeak in surprise.

"Hi Mr. Clown! Wanna join?" "Well of course! Anything for my best friend!" Pennywise snap his fingers as stack of papers and pack of crayons appeared on the table. Four of them started to draw together and they're having fun showing each other their drawings.

Y/n feel her stomach growl, she tug Pennywise sleeve getting his attention "Mr. Clown, I'm hungry." Pennywise smile then head to kitchen. After few minutes he came back with plate of peanut butter and jelly sandwich and small bowl of fruits.

He place them on the table right front of Y/n as she started to dig in her food. After she finish eating she yawn feeling tired, Jason pick up the plate and bowl place them into the sink to wash them. Michael pick up Y/n tired form in his arms letting her sleep with him. Pennywise brought the blanket hand it to Michael before he disappear.

Jason came back in the living room see Michael held sleeping Y/n. He smile under his mask then join in. The Critters join in too as they snuggle around them. Long hour later two figures peek at them from upstairs.

"Ready to take a shot bro?" One of them hold the camera "You bet bro." The other smile as they head downstairs walk toward them.

-Next Day-

"Morning Lena" The zombie father yawn greeting the zombie girl that she came out from her room. "Morning Mr. L/n, ready for breakfast? Hannibal is cooking today." Lena yawn. They head downstairs but stop see the rest of the slashers are already downstairs.

They look over what they're looking at and they're shock too what they're seeing. Stu and Billy are groaning in pain laying on the floor like a starfish and they have bruises and bite marks everywhere on their body. And right front of them are Michael, Jason and the Critters.

Michael holding Y/n who turn back to normal still sleeping, Jason lay on the couch with machete on one of his hand and the other place under his head. And the Critters are snuggle around them and few are sleeping on injured Stu and Billy.

"What's going on?" The zombie father ask. "I found what happened. Billy and Stu are planning to take pictures with Y/n to hold her while still being a child til suddenly those two attack them and the Critters attack them too as last." Pennywise explain.

"Oh and check this out." He handed the zombie father the picture. He look at the picture see Billy is smiling at the picture while holding child Y/n sleep form in his arm, behind him Michael choke hold Stu and Jason is close behind Billy back with his machete ready to attack him.

The zombie father snicker seeing the picture and hand it to Lena to see it too. Y/n flutter her eyes open adjusting them, she yawn stretching her body hearing her bones crack in relief. She look her side see she close to Michael and saw Jason laying down by them.

"Michael" she gently try to shake him awake but he won't budge. "Hey Y/n welcome back. Want some breakfast?" Rusty said. Y/n nod her head about to get up but she pull back by Michael who hold her in place on his lap.

"Michael come on, it's breakfast time." Michael groan hold her tight. Jason woke up hearing commotion and saw Y/n is struggling to break free from Michael grip. He try to pry her off but Michael didn't listen. Few slashers decided to help and some of them decided to watch seeing the scene so funny ignoring the painful groan by Stu and Billy.

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