Chapter 8 The Truck Murder

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Y/n POV:
I flutter my eyes open see everything is blurry, I shut my eyes tight open them wide see everything is clear. I look what I'm looking at see I'm staring at the ceiling, I about to move my body but I stop feeling something soft and moving on me. I look at my body see the Critters cuddle around me. I look over see Jason and Michael are sleeping. I look up to the clock from the wall read '8:30 pm'.

I was sleeping that long? Man what happen to me? I try to remember what happen, the picture pop out and show me what happen. That fucking Dr. Andrew turn me into his killing machine and made me hurt my friends and my dad!

I groan feeling my head is hurting, I get up from the couch trying not to wake up the critters and disturb Jason and Michael. I walk toward the fridge getting myself to eat if there's any leftover. I look around see no leftovers. I sigh close the fridge softly grab my bag from the hanger and walk to the sliding glass door open it that lead to the pool outside and lock it.

I was planning to go outside but Jason and Michael will hear the lock open so I had to use the sliding door that is easy to use. I jump and land on the brick wall then jump off land on concrete ground. I walk away getting myself to eat, can't cook at home because it will wake up the others.

I head into the Chinese food place ordering myself. Once the cashier pack up my food I exit out and sat on concrete ground and begin eating tasting the delectable food. I stop eating heard the truck parking the parking spot til a man jump out and walk inside the Chinese food place.

I shrug it off continue eating, suddenly my nose scrunch up smell some kind of blood and it's rotten coming from the random guy truck. I quickly eating my food before dumping it in the trash can. I walk to the truck twitch my fingers til my nail claws come out, I place my sharp nails in the door lock. Once I hear it click I open it see a bloody bag on the seat.

I grab it open it see a bloody random guy head. I groan in disgust seeing this, I feel the back of my hair touch my neck meaning someone saw me. I glance over see the same guy, I can't see his face since he wore that hat covering his whole face. The guy lit up a cigarette and puff some smoke out "So you saw it didn't you?" He ask.

I sigh tied the bloody bag and throw it back in the guy truck. "I know your a killer because..." I jump off the guy truck  "I'm one of you." He laugh "Seriously? What makes you a killer?" I walk bit closer to him move my bangs from my eyes showing him my eye-like- zombie and held out my sharp nail claws. "Woah..." that's all he said.

"So what you doing here middle of the night?" He ask. "Just getting myself a dinner after having a hell today." I answer. I hear my stomach growling, I groan in embarrassed that I'm still hungry. "Wanna share?" I look at the guy held plastic bag of Chinese food. I sigh and spoke "Sure, I'll eat with you." We sat on concrete ground sharing food.

"By the way I didn't get your name." The guy ask. "It's....Y/n, Y/n L/n" I answer. "The name Rusty Nail, nice to meet you." "So do you live here?" I ask "Nah, I live far away from here. I was driving middle of nowhere and I found the sign said Las Vegas so I came here looking around." He answer.

"By the way why do you had the guy head that you had in your bag?" I ask. "Oh that? Well about ten minutes ago I was walking minding my own business but a guy pull me in dark alleyway asking for my money so I kick his ass and took his knife and cut his head off." He chuckle.

"So do you live here?" He ask "Yes I live with my friends and my dad, we're killers." He look at me and I can't tell his reaction look likes that he's wearing his hat. Guessing he's shock what I said about my friends and my dad, I explain about myself from the past, the asylum, escaping, everything what happen month ago about the asylum and Los Angeles incident . "Well damn, it's like you had friends no scratch that a family who are killers." I chuckle.

Narrator POV:
They started having a great conversation about their life or jokes. Y/n feel tired except Rusty Nail who's not tired yet. He notice the girl is tired, he throw the empty plastic container in the trash can. He pick up Y/n bridal style put her inside his truck move the bloody bag before placing Y/n on the front seat and sat on the driver seat start the truck and drove off.

He fish his hand in Y/n bag and pull out her wallet open it see a picture of her and the rest of the killers. Some are smiling some are not, he look closer see a house behind them and see four number on the wall by the garage. "So this is what her family looks like. Now gotta find her house so I can drop her off." He whisper.

Once he found the house he park his truck jump out his truck go around the other side to carry sleepy Y/n. He stood front of the door bring out the house key from the girl bag unlock the front door open it wide made a creak sound. He flip the light switch on, he look over and his jaw drop wide open see Jason and Michael stood front of him with their sharp weapons and behind them are the Critters.

They notice Y/n in Rusty arms, they growl in rage. Rusty gulp nervously "L-look I'm just d-dropping off Y/n because she feel tired so-" his sentence cut off by Michael and Jason pointing their bladed weapons at Rusty neck. The Critters jump onto their shoulders laughing at him.

Their laugh causing Y/n to wake up from her slumber. She look over wide in shock see Jason, Michael and the Critters. "Low your guards!" They jump in surprise as all of them move back slowly. Y/n get off Rusty arms "Now then I'll explain what happen." She start explaining them how she and Rusty meet each other.

After the explanation Jason and Michael give the paper to Rusty, he read what said on the paper saying 'We're very sorry' and the Critters give him a hug as an apology. Rusty forgive them "Well I gotta go." He said "Why not stay here with us for while, you look tired." Y/n said.

Rusty think for a moment and said "Why not, where should I sleep?" "You can sleep on the couch I'll go fetch you blanket and pillow and extra pajamas." Y/n head upstairs. She came back downstairs after a short minute gave blanket, pillow and pajamas to Rusty.

"I show you my friends and my dad tomorrow, they're friendly." Y/n smile with close eyes at him. She didn't know Rusty blush seeing her smile. "Come on guys let's head to our bed." Jason and Michael follow her behind heading upstairs. Rusty quickly change to his pajamas place his clothes on table lay down on the couch pass out to his slumber.

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