Chapter 6 The Hill of Silent

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Y/n POV:
I'm in my share bedroom sitting on my bed reading a book while listening the music from the speaker. I flip the next page almost finish the last page, it had been an hour reading and the others are doing their things. I close the book after finishing it exit the bedroom heading to the library to find a next book to read.

I came into the library room place the book I had where it belong on the shelf searching a next book to read. My eyes caught an interesting title, I grab it open random page see some kind a symbol. A circle and in the circle there are three circles.

I read the sentence meaning this symbol is the halo of the sun and it mean represent the aspect of God. I flip the next page see some kind a mysterious muscular man holding a big large knife and wear a huge pyramid  box on his head covering his face and his clothes were torn. The title said 'Pyramid head' so I guess this guy name Pyramid Head because it wear that pyramid. I flip the next page see an image picture of a street and there's a sign said 'Silent Hill'. I read the sentence what is saying.

'The town of Silent Hill, West Virginia is actually Centralia, Pennsylvania. In May 1962, the town ordered to have the local landfill burned in an attempt to cleanup the waste. The fire spread through unsealed tunnels and openings that led onto an abandoned coal mine.'

This is interesting and shock what I read. I flip the next page see a photo picture of a young girl, I turn the photo read 'Alessa Gillespie' so this is the young girl name. I feel back of my hair on my neck move abit knowing someone is behind me. I turn around and I was shock what I saw, it's the same little girl from the photo. She had long black hair wear purple uniform. Her skin are pale and almost decay.

"Come. Follow." She spoke. I titled my head confused what she meant, she walk toward me grab the book my hands flipping the pages before she hand it back to me. She point at the picture of the street with the sign. I guess she wants me to go there but it's far from here. I look back at her "Why you want me to go there?" I ask.

"Find me and you'll see." She disappear leaving me confused. I look back at the book and the photo of Alessa I'm still. 'So she want me to go there and find her? I guess one way to find out why she wants me? But if I leave home the others are gonna be worry that I be gone. What I'm gonna do?' I thought worried.

Narrator POV:

-Next Morning-

The slashers are in the kitchen eating breakfast, til Lena came came in "Hey guys, have any of you seen Y/n? She not in her room." They stare each other shrugged their shoulders. Pumpkinhead came in the kitchen in such rush "Pumpkinhead what's wro-...what's that in your mouth?" She grab the folded  paper from his mouth open it.

'Dear friends,
         If your reading this I'm heading to Centraila, Pennsylvania. There's something important I must go there because I'm meeting someone. A mysterious young girl told me to go at the Silent Hill meet her there. I don't know why she wants me there but it sound important but don't worry I be back soon. I know you worry about me but I can defend and take care of myself. Don't find me please. It's just me and Alessa.'

"Wait who's Alessa and what is a silent-" 'CRASH' the others look at Hannibal drop the plates and his face look scared. "Wait, did Y/n said....the girl name Alessa as in Alessa Gillespie?" Lena titled her head confused. Hannibal explain about the girl name Alessa and the silent hill where it's very dangerous there where there's creature and demon.

"Wait hold on. Why Alessa want with my daughter?" The zombie father ask. Hannibal think for moment and said "I don't know, Alessa is dangerous girl but what she want with Y/n.....I don't know why she want her but we had to find her that place is very dangerous." The slashers nodded their heads agree heading to the airport to find Y/n bring her back safe.

-At the Silent Hill-

Y/n stand middle of the road read the sigh said 'Welcome to the Silent Hill' and look at the foggy road which lead there. She sigh look at the book she holding in her hand walk through the foggy road.

Her eyes caught a sight see small town middle of the fog. She stop walking heard something. She caught a demon dog that came out of nowhere with her bare hand. "So this must be a demon dog I read an hour ago." She dug their nail claws on the demon dog neck as it try to break free til the sound of snap. The demon dog went limp Y/n drop it corpse.

Y/n open the book see a picture of a church, she look up from her book see the same church from the book. She walk toward the church open double doors walk in see the place is empty but she saw a young girl sitting in the bench. She walk toward her knee down her heigh level. The girl move her head up, "Hello Y/n, glad you came." She get off the bench.

"Hello Alessa, tell me why you bring me here?" The young girl open a huge hole on the ground as she climb down and Y/n follow her. Once they made it all the way down Y/n look around see a horror amusement park and all the machines are still on. She follow Alessa behind heading toward horror house, they walk in and in the horror house are empty but there's a big red circle in the middle.

They step in the big red circle. "So Alessa why you bring me here?" Y/n ask. "Because... I chose you." She titled her head confused "I saw your past that your abuse by your mother. When you grown up your father and friend Lena have a great heart with you. You care for them and the others. Plus there's one more thing, I gave you the power when your fighting with your abusive mother." Y/n eyes widen what she said. "You see, when I saw you getting hurt you feel sad and depressed so I lead you some power to protect yourself. Which it explain that eyes of yours because your not hit by your mother giving you that eyes, it was me giving you ability." Alessa explain.

"So that explain why, but why gave me power?" Y/n ask "Because... I chose you and why I chose you is that...your special." Alessa explain. "By the way remember when you saw your ghost mother?" Y/n nod her head "I saw her, I try to hold her from going after you but she escape. After you finish her she came back here so I had to lock her up and the demons guarded her. I feel her aura are hated, rage, and dark. She tough enough to hold her here, when you see her came back for you use your power." Alessa grab Y/n left hand "Don't let your guard down, no matter what do not let your mother hurt your friends. Stay strong for them and stop your mother." Alessa said.

Y/n smile knee down her height level "Alright Alessa, thanks for telling me this. I'll protect them from my mother." Alessa smile at her. "Pyramid Head will guide you the exit, I had some stuff to take care of." Y/n turn around see Pyramid Head walk to her. He grab her hand gently walk away with her finding the exit. Y/n glance at Alessa waving her, the young girl wave at her back before she disappear.

About long minute Pyramid Head found the exit, Y/n thank him and left the small city. She walk on the foggy street heading back to the airport to fly back home. She saw two lights coming toward guessing it might be someone else. The truck reveal from the fog and three figures get out running toward her. "Y/n!" Three figures reveal from the fog are Lena, her father, and Pennywise.

They ran toward her  bring her in group hug as they sob. "Hey guys." "Y/n I'm so worry about you!" "Are you okay sweetie? Any bruises? Are you hurt?" Y/n calm them down and will explain them on the way to the airport.

After a long hour of flying back home the slashers went to their rooms to rest. Y/n sitting on the rooftop staring at the moon, she remember what Alessa said about her abusive mother who try to escape to find her and plan to kill her friends. She look at her claws and said "No matter what my bitch mom planning, I won't let her hurt my friends."

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