How They Met You (Pt. 1)

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Jason Voorhees:

Your friend somehow convinced you to go to Camp Crystal Lake. At first, you didn't want to go because of a murderer there, but you decided to go anyway because you didn't want to be seen as a chicken to your friends. 

When you guys got there, a man was standing in the tree line, who was tall, wearing an old hockey mask and holding a machete. You were voted as the one to go to talk to the man. When you got to the man you find that he can't talk. So you run back to the car and ask for a notepad and pen. You got one from your girl best friend and run back to the man. You asked for his name and he introduce himself as Jason Voorhees. You introduce yourself as (Y/N) (L/N).

You ask him if he wanted to join you and your friends. He decided he want to join you guys. 

You guys found a good spot near the lake. You got your towel out and put it on the sand, you pat next to you for Jason to sit next to you. Jason sat next to you.

After a few minutes, one of your guy friends asks if you talk with him. You said yes. You followed him in the woods for a private talk.

"(Y/N) I'm in love with you," He said

"I'm not," You said

Your friend try to push himself on you, but you got away from him and run to the beach. When you got to the beach, Jason got up with his machete. He started to your friends.

You back away from Jason to get away from him. You trip backward hitting your head and blackout.

Freddy Krueger:

You were trying to stay awake because you wanted to start on your homework, with some help from some caffeine. But that didn't work out because you fell asleep.

When you finally wake up, you were in a boiler room. You thought you were dreaming so you try to punch yourself awake but you didn't. You start to worry.

You then start to hear a man laughing out loud. You feel a slash of pain across your back. You fall to one knee. You put one of your hands on your back. You pull your hand back and see that there was blood on it.

A man told you to get up. The voice was coming from behind you. You got up quickly turn around. Standing behind you was a man that was all burned, he was wearing a red and dark green sweater, a brown fedora hat, and leather gloves with metal claws on the end. You asked the man who he was.

"I'm Freddy, Freddy Krueger," He said with a devilish grin.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N)" You said.

Freddy explain to you that you were going to die, as he come closer to you. You wanted to know something before you die, what happened to him? He explained that was killed by angry parents because he killed their kids. You walked towards him to hug him, but he tensed up when you got close to him.

You asked him what was wrong, he told you he never really had any hugs before. You told him that he's getting one.


You were going to watch a scary movie with your boyfriend, Devin. You were getting the popcorn ready for the movie. Devin yelled at you from the living room, asking what movie you want to watch. 

"Scream" You yelled back at him. As you waited for the popcorn to pop you went through your phone. All of a sudden your phone started to ring. 'No Caller ID', the phone said. You push don't answer because you don't know anyone with 'no caller id'. After a few seconds, your phone rang again.

You decided to answer it. On the other side of the phone was a man, the man asked you what was your favorite scary movie. You said Scream. He then asked you if you want to play a game. You said sure.

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