When They Found Out You A Witch

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Jason Voorhees:

He would be confused at first but once you explain to him what you do, he would try to help you. Like he would get you plants and rocks from the woods.

Freddy Krueger:

Once he found out that you are a witch, he would make witch puns at any chance he gets.


He wants to see you do 'witchy things' (that's how he puts it) every time you do it.

Michael Myers:

He walked in on you doing a ritual. He just shrugs and turns around and walked out of the room.

Brahms Heelshire:

He would try to do a spell. He would throw a fit when the spell didn't go his way.


At first, he wouldn't like it. But once he realized that you mean no harm and try to protect the family with the spells you do, he would copy your actions.

Vincent Sinclair:

Once he saw you doing it, he wants to do it as well. He would try to include art in it as well.

Bo Sinclair;

When he saw what you were doing, he rolled his eyes at you and asked what you were doing. You told him what you were doing, he roll his eyes again and told you once you have done being a witch, he need help with something.

Norman Bates:

He would be fine with it, but he told you not to tell mother about it or she would kill you.

Carrie White:

When she walks in on you, she would want to help you with it.


Question of the day:

Are you a witch? And if you are what kind of witch?

Mine answer:

I am a witch and I am a forest witch.

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