Ghostface x Reader (Getting A New Mask)

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You were sitting on the couch, watching some tv when Ghostface walked into the room. Ghostface saw you sitting on the couch, so he jump down next to you. He started to kiss your neck and ask you if you want to go to the store with him, to pick out a new mask for him. You said yes because you love spending time with Ghostface.

You guys got up from the couch and went to the store. When you guys got to the store with had a small Halloween area for customs. You were looking through the customs when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turn around and saw that Ghostface had a scary mask over his face. You jump a little because you did not see that coming. You playfully slap Ghostface in the shoulder, saying that wasn't nice. You asked him if he found a mask that he wanted. He said he did, he showed you another Ghostface mask.

You guys went to grab a few other things before going to the checkout. When you guys got home, you both went to the couch and watch a movie together. 

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