Them Accidentally Hurting you

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Jason Voorhees:

He accidentally cut you in the arm with his machete, like it wasn't a deep cut but deep enough that it started to bleed. This poor man starts to panic, he pulled you to sit down. He goes through the cabinets quickly, finds the first aid, and rips it open. He was gentle with you. You keep on saying to Jason that you were fine but Jason thinks otherwise. He wraps you cut up more than needed. Jason looks like he going to cry because he hurt you, and he is thinking that you need better than him. You keep on telling him that you wouldn't leave him. You give him a big hug, he hugs you back to the point of squashing you.

Freddy Krueger:

Freddy accidentally cut you with his claws. He felt bad for cutting you, so he helped you clean up. He would make really bad blood puns when he is wrapping your wound. After he did that, he hugged you and said sorry. You said that it was fine.


He accidentally stabbed you in the chest (but missing big parts, so you won't die). He called an ambulance for you. You two lied about how the hell you got a stab wound to your chest. He got into the ambulance with you. When you two were alone he keep on saying sorry. Once you got out of the hospital, he takes you wherever you want.

Michael Myers:

He accidentally stabbed you in the shoulder. He rolled his eyes as he lift you in his arms and walked towards a chair. Once he found a chair for you to sit in, he put you down and went to get the first aid. He wrap your wound up, he said sorry once. You told him that it was fine.

Brahms Heelshire:

He accidentally cut on the forearm, when he was helping you cut some food up. You had to wrap your wound up, he was sitting down in a chair and looking down. He said sorry ever so often. You said that it was fine.


He accidentally hooked you in the side with one of his hooks. He panicked, so he quickly went to mum to tell her what happened. Tex, Nubbins, and Chop-Top took you to the hospital. When you were gone, Leatherface was crying a lot, and when I mean a lot, I mean like he was crying rivers. He felt so bad, he thought that when you got back you were going to break up with him. Once you got back, Leatherface stayed back when you got out of the car. You asked mum what with Leatherface, she explains that Leatherface blames himself for what happened and he thinks that you going to break up with him. You went up to Leatherface and hug him, you told him that you never going to leave him.

Vincent Sinclair:

He accidentally got some hot wax on you. You cry out in pain. Vincent runs out of the basement and out of the house. He went to the truck, got into the front seat of the truck and cried. You got yourself clean up and went to look for Vincent. You asked Bo where Vincent was, he told you that Vincent was in the truck. You went outside to the truck, you saw Vincent crying. You went up to the truck and open the door. You hugged Vincent, Vincent pushed you away saying that he was a danger to you. You told him that he wasn't and that it was an accident, and you went back to hug him. He hugged you back.

Bo Sinclair:

He accidentally punches you in the eye as one of the victims got away (he was going for the wall). You got a black eye from it, Bo went to get an ice pack for you as you went to sit in a chair. When he got back with the pack he said sorry to you. You forgive him.

Norman Bates:

Norma come out one night and accidentally stab you in the shoulder blade. Once Norma did that, Norman come back and saw what his mother did. He was crying when he was helping you to get clean up. He keeps on saying sorry, even tho you keep saying that it was okay and you forgive him and Norma.

Carrie White:

She accidentally pushes you up on the wall using her powers. She runs over to check if you were okay. She saw that you only had some bruises. She keeps on saying sorry about what happened. You keep on saying that it was okay and that she didn't mean it.


Question of the day:

What would you do if your boyfriend/girlfriend accidentally hurt you?

Mine answer is:

I would forgive them as long as it was accidentally.

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