Going To Canada

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*Note: I can totally do this because I'm Canadian and I want to make fun of Canadian stereotypes lol*

*Another note: Let's say you are from Canada so it makes more sense*

Jason Voorhees:

He would be so happy that he would be going to a new country. He would look at everything with big eyes. He wants to try the different foods that was there. He black out from all the sugar that was eaten.

Freddy Kreuger:

He would totally come to Canada. When he gets there, he would make Canadian jokes all the time through.


When you two get there, Ghostface would buy tourist stuff about Canada and would eat anything that Canadian food.

Michael Myers:

At first he didn't want to go but he went anyway. On the outside he looked like he didn't want to be there at all but he secretly liked it.

Brahms Heelshire:

At first he didn't want to go because he didn't want to leave the walls, but he agreed. He thought your hometown in Canada was okay not like the village in the U.K.


You and the Sawyer family decided to go back to your home country, Canada. You guys decided to go in winter. The Sawyer was not ready for the Canadian winter because they use to the heat. Chop-top and Nubbins dared Leatherface to lick a pole. Leatherface being the sweet clueless bean he is, licked it and got his tongue stuck. You and Mama tried your best to unstuck it, while Chop-top and Nubbins laugh their ass off in the background. It got so bad that you had to call 911 and get help.

Vincent Sinclair:

No matter what season Vincent would love to draw everything in Canada that's new to him.

Bo Sinclair:

Bo knew that you, him, Vincent, and Lester were going to Canada to visit your family. You told him to change the tires to winter tires. He didn't have them and though we don't need them, how he was wrong. You two had a deal that you would drive in Canada because you know how to drive in Canada, and Bo, Vincent, and Lester would drive in the USA. So when you got into Canada, you felt something off. You almost slip off the road. You ask Bo if he put on the winter tires, he said no. You were pissed at him, so you went to a Canadian Tire (Canadian hardware store +  auto mechanic) and get winter tires.

Norman Bates:

If you go in winter time, Norman was not prepared for the snow and the freeze cold. But Norman would be fine in the summer time.

Otis Driftwood:

Otis would be happy to go but got pissed when he couldn't bring his guns over the border, even tho you told that he couldn't bring them.

Carrie White:

Carrie would love it. She loves all the snow on the trees (if you two in the winter). She would also love to make the food like poutine, nanaimo bars, beaver tails, etc.


Question of the day:

Where are you guys from?

My answer:

As seen above I'm from Canada lol.

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