When They Are Tired

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Jason Voorhees:

Jason would be tired after he did a killing of a brunch of teens. He was pulling his feet on the forest floor. When he walked into the cabin, and when he saw you he put his machete down, he then picked you up and take you to the bedroom. He put his arms around you and put his head on your chest.

Freddy Krueger:

Freddy would be tired after killing some teens, he would come back to the real world. He saw that you were sitting on the couch. He would flip on the couch and put his head on your lap.


Ghostface would be tired after doing some killing, he would come home and flip on the couch and watch some tv. When you walk by, Ghostface would pull you down onto his lap and put his face into your neck.

Michael Myers:

Michael would be tired after a long day of stalking, so he would go sit in a chair. You would walk past and Michael would pull you onto his lap.

Brahms Heelshire:

Brahms would be tired after the day's end, so he was whining about how much his tired and he really wants to cuddle with you. You followed him to the bedroom. He would cuddle up to you and fall asleep.


Leatherface would be tired after butchering some of the victims, he would walk around to look for you. When he found you, he would pick you up and take you to the bedroom. He would cuddle up to you.

Vincent Sinclair:

Vincent would be tired after doing some of his wax sculpture, he would pull at your arm. You let him pull you towards the bedroom. He wraps his arms around you and stays close to you.

Bo Sinclair:

Bo would be tired after a long at the shop, so when he comes in he would sit down and pull you on his lap. He would kiss your neck tiredly, then after he had a beer he would take you to the bedroom and cuddle.

Norman Bates:

Norman would be tired after a long day at the Motel when he got to your two-bedroom. He saw you laying in the bed trying to fall asleep. He got into bed with you and pull you close to him.

Carrie White:

Carrie would be tired after a long day at school, she went into your two-bedroom and see that you were laying in bed. Carrie would crawl on top of you.


Question of the day:

What would you do when you are tired?

My answer:

I would go to bed early.

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