Bo Sinclair x Reader (Helping In The Shop)

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You were bored one day and you decided you go visit Bo in his shop. So you went and told Vincent that you were going to see Bo in the shop and if he needs anything he has to get it himself. He made a noise signal that he heard you. 

You head out of the house and walked over to the shop. You open the door to the shop and saw that Bo was putting stuff in their place. Bo saw you enter and asked you what you were doing there. You told him that you were bored and wanted to see him. 

He said that you can help him with the shop. So you help with the shop, you put some stuff on the shelves and you even helped him with one of the cars you guys got from one of the victims. You guys talked about all kinds of things like what you guys going to have for dinner or what you guys going to do after.

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