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Mj said to name my chapters with "date, important events, people, or meaningful words"

Pathetic lizard

Well I suppose I got now explain the strange events surrounding my appearance in your world. World 1, reality Prime, Earth 616, Earth 33, whatever you call it, this isn't my home, yet here I am.

No, I ain't the Chat you know...and love. See I came from a different world, one that sadly got destroyed because of forbidden love. The universe somehow decided to bond us together, yet we couldn't be. Soulmates destined to never be together. A love that destroyed my world...

Love... I would only ever love one...

It's hard to miss her face. She is everywhere. Newspapers, magazines, toys, news channels... One thing stays painfully the same. She isn't my princess. Different world. Adding salt to injury, another Chat exist. Another love square. I love her too much to even try and approach her. But I can stop thinking about her. I can't.

I can't

Great I am sobbing again. Holding my ugly grey blanket with my dear life, thinking about her.

Only her.

Like a stray cat, I lay down on my mat and try to drift asleep through the pain.

Yeah, you are going to break your arm in chapter 29 or something, its about to get ugly~Mj


Woke up in the middle of the night. Nightmares.

Guess this is will another one of those all nighter.

I get up, grab a cartoon of milk from the mini fridge and start gobbling the content down my thought. Nothing beats milk at 3 am.

Maybe a bit of food with it would be good. What do we have here? A pick up a weird packaging in the back of the fridge. Its wrap in aluminum. A note on it says : "For you Blanc ~James"

Ah James that old fool. Without him though, I wouldn't be this close to her. I open the packaging. Smell awfully familiar. When I see it, a sudden wave of nostalgia hits me like a hurricane.


NO! I throw it at window, smashing it in the process.

No, no, no. HOW? Out of all the cheese in the bloody damn world, he gives me camembert?

Does James knows? Is he playing with me? I need answers. I need to call James. I need to call him. I need to call him. I nee- oh I am drifting asleep.


Sudden knock at the door wakes me up

"HEY, the tenant here, I need you to get out of that building, there were report of a smashing window in the morning and we need to check it ASAP."

Huh? Morning, what time is it?

12:36 am

Oh, whatever. I open the door.

"Oh I really thought you wouldn't open the door- Chat?" The small noisy man looks at me with admiration. I don't need his pathetic appreciation. I don't deserve it.

"That explains why you never get out! It's an honour to have you in this apartment building. Uh why are you white?"

"None of your business ######"

He takes a step back, but doesn't stop looking at me. "Thanks for saving Paris multiple time. You even saved my daughter once when there was the-"


Whitewashed Dreams (A Chat blanc Story)Where stories live. Discover now