❦I won't stab you, I will filet you like a salmon❦

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FILLER - Bianca's (the Blondie's) backstory time hehe
*Just something I wanted to try
Idk how my readers will see this so for y'all first readers, this is in backward chronological order btw, the top part are the most recent and the bottom the latest. Just smt I wanted to try out


That's the apartment alright, I see fire and smoke. Time to get that ring. How hard would it even be to beat a cat? It's just one guy...

This might finally be it. This is the day. To finally inflict a wound to that MJ, who striped away everything from me. I will take away everything he loves and worked for piece by piece, even if it takes me another 16 years.


"You also got the message from the mysterious female caller?"

"Yes indeed, it's for the miraculous isn't it? Well it is a pleasure meeting you, I am pyromania..."     

"I am Bianca, now tell me are you a follower too? I heard rumors..."

"Yes indeed I am an ardent follower.  Our lives are in servitude of our lord and master."

"For Gehen"


"Why are you helping me?" I say on the phone. I look up on the computer seeing if I can trace back this unknown caller, but no luck. This is legit. But why does she wants to help me? Giving me allies, access and now a lead? Sounds fishy.

"I want to make this world pay for what they did to me..."


The night has just begun.                                                                                                                                              The wolves howl in the distance.                                                                                                                                   
I hate what I have become.

I camp out in the wild forest of Moldova, sharpening my knives and making sure I got enough water to last the trek. 3 years since I last seen him, on the docks on Hanoi.

I think I finally found where MJ is hiding, after all these years of searching multiples leads say's that he has a base of operation in or close to London. This wild chase might finally be coming to an end...


Been 12 years since I have seen him.


I see the cloaked figure on the boat, he turns around to see where my voice came from. I can't see his face but I can feel it's him. The boat is getting away, soon imperceivable, heading right into the morning mist. There is no boat and the water is too agitated to go for a swim.

I still stand on the dock, partly wishing these water take me with them.

I just missed him...So close...

How many years must I run after that murderer?


I break in by the window. I take out quickly and swiftly the incompetent guards. Good thing I chose to wear my red dress tonight.

My third hit-job. Chinese businessman with shady practises. Put's at risk our temples with development plans. Possible links to MJ. Haven't heard or seen him since that attack, but I feel that soon there might be a good lead that shows up. He cannot run forever.

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