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Destruction everywhere, a little boy, can't be more than 4 or 5 , lies lifeless in my arms. 



The eerie sounds of silence. Fire consumes this Earth.

God left us

The phone starts ringing across the room. I get up to my dismay as the damn phone wont shut the heck up. Who in the world would even want to call me. If it's James I swear I am going to shove his arms in his...

I look at the screen and I see the name.


What in the world, now he finally wants to talk after leaving me in this dump. Well better pick it up I guess.

"So, you finally decide to pick up the phone after all these time."

" You never called?"

"My mistake, you know I am a busy person, lots of stuff to do here and there."

"LOOK, its great u called we got a problem,

"Pranksters most likely no? Don't worry your position is secured"

"ARE YOU SURE, didn't you say I might be a target?"

"No one can stop you, you said it yourself? Sorry got to go, seeya muah" And he hung up



In a couple of milliseconds I go from standing and fuming to being catapulted to da wall, making a whole and ending up in the other room. The fire alarm starts ringing in the whole building.

"wha-ar is g-oing onn", I groan and I try to get up. Did someone just blew up my apartment?!?! I try to clear some of the smoke.

Then I see a figure emerging from the smoke. A raspy voice suddenly announce:

"Call me insane, I must confess, a thousand degree brings out the beast inside of me"

"I am sorry who are you?"

"Call me pyromania", the man steps out of the smoke, has a suit that looks like those volcanoes's researchers ones, but lighter and with a clearer helmet. Oh and he has a huge flamethrower, of course.

"There is no one to save you Kitt-Kat". He points his weapon at me and instantly shoots at my direction.

The temperature is rising up, I am burning up. My suit isn't invincible I try to dodge the flames. Good thing a couple of years in a dystopian world taught me tricks.


I aim for the floor, which instantly collapse and drops the crazy dude to the floor below. With the ground unstable I force myself out of my apartment thought the doorway.

Thinking I am safe, I don't see at first the gun pointed at my chest, then I hear a shot and I am thrown back a couple of feet. A shotgun, damn those still hurts even with my suit's protection.

I see a couple of armed men, most likely the pyromaniacs goons. Is this a show? Before I get hit by a rain of shots, I send a couple of cataclysmic ray towards the goons, pulverizing 2 instantly. Before they can react I jump forward and slash 2 throats. I hear another shot but it missed barely my head. I front flip over 2 other men and hold their neck, using them as body shields. The last of the idiots don't have much choice, as I ran forward using their comrades as meat shields, they keep shooting, trying to land a couple of shot, but with no avail. When I reach them I throw the bodies on them and finish off the last standings ones with a couple of slash

Whitewashed Dreams (A Chat blanc Story)Where stories live. Discover now