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Dean started driving to the house of many familiar faces as Sam yawned.
"Rise and shine, Sammy!"
Dean yelled out enthusiasticly, as Sam groaned.
Dean pulled in where he saw two cars, an impala like his and a newer modeled car.
He killed the engine as Sam walked out, yawning and rubbing his eyes as his feet made contact with the pebbled ground, as did deans.

Dean knocked on the door as he was met with Pennie.
"and you are...?"
Pennie said, her eyebrow raising.
"I'm Dean, this is my brother Sam, we know Luci and Lena."
Dean says sharply, wanting to make a good first impression.
"alright, come in."
Pennie moves to the side as the men make their way in, calah smiling as she saw the men.
"hi Sam, hi Dean! Luci's in the bathroom, and Lena isn't awake yet, take a seat over here, I made extra coffee!"
Calah stayed as she places down the cups for everyone, Sam and Dean thanking her as they sit at the table, sipping their coffee.

Luci walked out of the bathroom as his eyes widened at the sight of Sam and Dean, then Sams face flushed while Dean raised an eyebrow.
"Ignore the fact that I don't have a shirt on.. I'm sorry about that.."
Luci apologized, rubbing his eyes as he yawned.
"no it's not a problem, not a problem at all."
Dean whispered the last part as Sam lightly kicked him.
Luci took a seat at the front of the table, drinking his coffee.
"what brings you two here?"
Luci scoffed as he placed his cup down.

"We need to tell you all about something.."
Sam stated, making Luci, Pennie and Calahs eyes dart to them.
Pennie took a seat as did Calah.
"we'll wait for lena and Michael.."
Dean chuckled.
(Spongebob meme)
A few minutes later.
Everyone sat down as,
Lena and pennies face showed concern.
Calah face showed worry.
Michael's face showed fear.
Luci's face showed sternness.

"So.. Michael needs a stable vessel, and that vessel is me.. Sam was hopped up on demon blood and accidentally released the devil into this world, and he needs to find his perfect vessel.. Which is my brother Sam... or you."
Dean said, looking to Luci as Luci sighed.
"he will ask permission for you to be the vessel, but please.. I NEED you to say no.."
Lena and Calah looked to Luci with complete and utter worry.
"you're the perfect vessel for lucifer..?"
"It's either my name.. Or my grace."
Luci said, rubbing his temples, as Michael's eyes were wide.

"Michael.. Are you okay..?"
Pennie said, noticing his worry.
"I'M that Michael.. The angel."
Sam and Dean looked to Michael with shock.
"This vessel isn't going to hold me for long and I either use you, or your brother Adam."
They all took their gaze to Michael.
"I know what I must do and you all CANNOT stop me from doing this."
Michael continued, looking to Luci.
He directed his words to Luci, knowing Luci would try and stop him.

Luci's eyebrows furrowed as he was about to open his mouth.
With the sound of wings, Michael was gone.
Luci growled in anger as he placed his hand in his face.
"get through to him."
Dean said sternly, making Luci look to Dean.
"You think I didn't just try doing that?"
Luci replied with clear frustration in his voice.
"Well do that better."
Dean tried concluding, but he jumped in fear when Luci stood up and slammed his hand on the table.
"YEAH well clearly I'm trying my best, he's an ARCHANGEL! He doesn't UNDERSTAND our EMOTIONS, because he's NOT HUMAN!"
Luci yelled as Dean walked to Luci.
"Yeah well I can get through to angels BETTER THAN YOU!"
Dean yelled, as Luci looked up to Dean with anger.

Lena and Pennie backed up to Calah as Sam went to them, shielding them.
Luci clenched his jaw and fist as did Dean.
Then Dean started laughing to himself, making Luci look to him, his face still showed frustration but he was shocked and confused.
"The fuck you laughing at-?"
Luci growled as Dean took out his gun, grabbing Luci's hair from the back of his head, then he pointed the gun at Luci's throat.

"Raise your voice one more time at me and I'll shoot you in front of your friends and family.."
Dean said sternly as Luci breathed heavily through his nose.
Sam yelled as Dean took a look to his brother, noticing Lena and Pennie shaking in Calahs arms, as Calah covered her eyes, Sam in front of them, shielding them.

Dean didn't let his grip go as he looked to Luci, Luci smiling at Dean.
"How would you feel if I murdered Sam in cold blood, in front of you and Adam?"
Luci smirked, dean then loosening his grip as Luci punched deans hand, making him drop his gun.
Luci stomped on it, making sure dean didn't grab it.
"think before you do something, Dean."
Luci said, grabbing the gun, handing it to Dean.
"Fools who run their mouths off, wind up dead."
Luci grimly said, a shadow covering his eyes, making them dark.

The duo left the rest as Calah finally let Lena and Pennie go, lena running into Luci's arms.
"I changed my mind, I hate him."
Calah said, crossing her arms.
"I don't know, that was kinda hot."
Luci joked as Lena gagged, Luci letting out laughs.

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