What a punch!

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Richard and Sona go back to school together but this time Sona returns as Sona not Phoebe.

Sona has been missing for a week because she pretended to be Phoebe ever since her death, but they may look alike but they don't act alike so not many people fell for it.  Richard eats an apple alone on the lunch table, Sona looks outside the window.  "Ahh what a trance.  I can't believe our lives went back to normal after she died."  She sits down on her knees on the floor, clamps her hands together, and prays to God "God please bring our best friend back, it isn't her time to go."  After 1 minute of crying she stands up and wipes her tears.

It rains heavy and hard as head back to class at 8 am.

After school it stops raining.  Richard and Sona walk outside the school 10 minutes earlier before school ends.  "Listen don't get mad when I tell you this but, I think I know how Phoebe died."

"Explain...". Richard tells her nonchalantly.

"Okay so this may sound crazy but I think James paid a hit man to get Phoebe killed but, it's the guy we are planning on killing soon."  Sona says.  Richard has a shocked face that churns his stomach and makes his blood boil.  His veins pop out and his cheeks on his face turn red as he receives this information for the first time.  "WHAT?!".  He yells at Sona with infuriating behavior and a lecturing tone.  "I told you not to get mad!".  "Not get mad?!  How do you expect me to be at peace with this information I want him dead.".  "RICHARD NO!".  Sona punches him as hard as she can.

Sona gasp and puts her hand over her mouth.  "I'm so sorry!  I lost control".

He walks away.  "WAIT!".  Sona shouts out loud.  The school bell rings and a bunch of crowded people come out to leave school.  "I HAVE A PLAN TO GET HIM ARRESTED, I JUST DON'T THINK SHE WILL BE AT PEACE IF."  She stops herself from saying killed because of the people crowded around her.  "I got it."  He tells her as he puts a thumbs up towards her and continues walking away.  Sona sighs in relief, but will he agree to spare his life?

What's worth saving Volume IIIWhere stories live. Discover now