Riding Hood's End

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"Tell us why were you trying to kill us?". Phoebe would ask her. "It's because Sona destroyed all of my pixie dust.". She replies to Phoebe. "So; this pixie dust is important to you why?".

She asks Riding Hood calmly. "It's because, that pixie dust generates killer fairies with axe. Also, if someone drank the dust with liquid. They would turn themselves into mutant zombie, and poisonous butterfly hybrid, faster than a mountain lion in speed. The governor is coming after me I know it."

The riding hood would say all of this to Phoebe and the others while she's tied up. "Oh honey." Phoebe scoffs and laughs after she says that. "No one is coming to get you, you tried to kill my friend and almost did. If I didn't revive her she would've been dead. We aren't letting you live!" Phoebe tells her. "After we kill you, we're going after the governor as well to get him arrested." Phoebe would say to her.

"Hey Richard, you got all that recorded?". Sona asks Richard. "Yup the confession is on tape right here!" Richard would to Sona, as he would be holding his phone up replaying a recording. Of what Riding Hood said.

"Anyways", Phoebe would say to Riding Hood. "Sweet dreams bitch!" After Phoebe would say that to her, she punches her in the face. They all go to the forest with her, while she's passed out in the doctors chair they stole with her in it. Sona walks to her "I'll kill her......".

Sona says she grabs a knife and has it close to her throat. She stops for a second. She's thinking about how she killed James, she backs away and resist, feeling guilty for killing him. "I can't..." Sona would say as she feels remorse for killing one person. Richard walks up to her. "Okay I'll do it.... Hand it here please. It's okay.".

Richard knows exactly why she feels guilty.  Richard wants to help her, since his hands are clean in the real world. He only killed Kodeh in the fake world while he was in a coma. Sona hands him the knife. Richard walks up to Riding Hood, who's currently passed out.

Richard stabs the knife inside her carotid artery in her neck, and swings it from the right to left. Severing the artery, and causing the blood flow in her neck to explode and blood splattering out of her. Causing Riding Hood to die, due to internal bleeding in the neck. "Phoebe you got a shovel?". Richard would ask Phoebe.

"Not on me, but I have one at my house in my backyard let me go get it. You guys should stay here and guard the body." She would say to Sona and Richard, then walks away to go get the shovel. While she's gone, Sona and Richard talk. "Why did you hesitaste to kill her?". Richard asks.

He knew why she resisted but, he didn't want to make assumptions. "I didn't want too because; I felt guilty for killing James. I trusted him thinking he was going to change but, he didn't. I feel bad for deceiving him.... I still have nightmares of James coming back, and killing me.... I'm scared, and I don't know what to do, someone tried to kill me , it was dark and scary when I died and I. I don't know what to do!"

Sona would tell Richard how she feels about killing James and how she felt when Riding Hood killed her temporarily. Sona leans into Richard and starts crying. "There there, let it all out. It's okay, it's not your fault what happened to James. You had the decency to forgive him for what he did, but he crossed the line." Richard would reply to her as he pets her head to calm her down.

Phoebe returns with the shovel and sees that they're hugging each other out of guilt. This makes Phoebe feel weird because, she only remembers her being friends with them, and her newfound meta powers from Hell. She wasn't around when James the immortal died. Phoebe walks to them with the shovel. "Phoebe! Your right ear! It's bleeding..." Sona points that out as she wipes her tears off of her face. "Oh, right I kinda forgot it was bleeding.

"I guess I was busy saving your life.". She smiles at her, as she would say that to Sona. "Oh right, thanks Phoebe I owe you.", Sona would say to Phoebe. They all dig Riding Hood a grave. They decide to burn the chair in the forest, by digging a pit and they throw the chair inside the pit and puts a lighter in there and lots a fire.  Richard pours gasoline inside the pit.  Phoebe gets her purple, sparkly, projection wasps to operate surgery on her right ear drum she damaged.

Of course it hurts her while she's awake so she screams. "Ahhhhh!!!!" Phoebe would scream in agonizing pain as they fixing her right ear. Sona holds her hand to let her know it's okay. "I got a favor you could repay me with." Phoebe winks at Sona as she would tell her that.

The wasps are done with fixing her ear drum, and the interior of the outside of her ear under 3 hours, with no anesthesia equipment to put her to sleep.  "Cmon let's all rinse our hands in the river nearby this forest. Our hands are soaked in blood." Phoebe would say to Sona and Richard, while she grabs the shovel and also washes the blood off of there at the river. Sona and Richard meet her there to wash Riding Hood's blood off her hands due to all 3 of them sharing the shovel.

All three of them walk back to their own homes.

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