Alive again

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Phoebe looks at the red leather jacket and sniffs a whiff in it by nodding her head towards the jacket.  His cologne is still on the jacket.  Smells like oranges.

Meanwhile Sona takes James secretly in a forest.  They get behind a tree and she kisses him.  He plays dumb and kisses her back as they make out.  Sona played him, she had a poisonous smell on her lips, tainted with rosemary scent and aluminum foil melted into the lipstick.  The metal is inside his body and soon he will go through withdrawals and his body will start to decay and wither.

"What did you do to me".  He falls on his knees on the dirt.  She just stands there, turns her hand around and looks at her nails.  "Your body will start to sting like a wasp poking through vines and thorns, then the metal will slowly eat your skin up but not all of it just 20 percent of your skin."  She tells him flawlessly.  "Why are you doing this to me?..."  He asks her while he crawls on the ground, desperately trying to reach her.  "You're the reason my best friend got killed; hiring a hitman to have a hit on her.  I see now why Richard wanted to end your life before I did and honestly.  I am proud of him."

She says with gratitude.  "I only did it, because I would be gifted benefits with my immortality".  "Well you lived another 1000 + years in life haven't you.  You can live infinitely and burn in hell bitch.  Kick rocks!"  As she says that ferociously.  She stomps on his face and buries him and makes him eat the poisonous Ivy leaves  she grabbed from the hospital so he doesn't wake back up this time.

Meanwhile with Phoebe.  She stands up with the jacket on naked as her body is exposed to the man as he just stares at her pervertedly without noticing.  "Don't look!".  She yells at her.  The man looks away down towards the right covering  his face.  "Sorry!"  He says.  "You got any other clothes than this man?..."  She asks him.  He hands her a really long purple shirt, one that covers her knees and some socks and shoes for her to keep.  "I'll get some pants for you tomorrow".  "Sounds good."  "Wait a minute".  She says out of curiosity.  "You never told me your name!"  She shouts.  He smiles "Naro is my name."

She walks to the bathroom mirror unveils her jacket and notices all of her scars and scraps are healed.  Another side effect from coming out of hell.  She walks out of the bathroom and sits on the side of the bed.  "I keep having these nightmares of ....  Me dying".  She tells him uncomfortably.  "Hmm".  He wonders.  "What?".  She asks him while he sits with his legs open on the desk facing the  open window.  "Maybe your episode of amnesia is recovering faster than you think".  He tells her.  "I hope so, these nightmares are so creepy and they're nonchalantly terrifying and these people are staring at me."  She starts shaking and freaking out.

She starts having a panic attack.  "Calm down".  He says.  "You've been through a lot lately but it's not really good for you to think about that right now but."  He ends his sentence there.  "But?" "These nightmares are telling you something about your past memory that you totally, shutted out of your brain.  Was it to painful for you to remember.  Is that why you made yourself forget those hurtful things or...".  "That's the thing I don't know!"  She frustratedly says.  "I see then.  Okay don't worry I will help you but first are you hungry?".  He jumps off the table, stands up and asks her  "Yeah, but if this is your shitty idea as a date just because you rescued me don't even think about it perv."

"Woah, woah easy there that wasn't my intention I swear.  Just friends".  He pulls out his arm so she can grab on his hand.  At first she resists but she grabs it.

What's worth saving Volume IIIWhere stories live. Discover now