I know my purpose now.

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Richard and Sonas conversation in the nonexistent world continues.

"So I think James is going to trial in court to decide whether or not the judge will be execute him or not either way, I don't care whether he dies or not because I won't be going."  Sona tells him as she recklessly says. 

"So would you be mad if I killed him with my bare hands?"  Richard asks her as he looks down but his glasses fall off.  "No I wouldn't be mad, a little disappointed but, I will still be your friend no matter what decisions you make...".  She tells him that remorselessly and seems quite, vague in that answer.  She kneels down to pick up his glasses.  She hands them to him.

"I see, thanks for standing beside me and thanks for picking up my glasses."  "Cheers!!!"  He raises up his root beer bottle as Sona smiles and joins him, by softly clashing the two bottles together as they celebrate their friendship.  "I need to tell you something then...".  "What's it?"  She asks him.  "I was going to kill him by poisoning him."  "Wh-what h-how?!"  "Staging poison Ivy inside his tea can kill an immortal and I found out you aren't my Sona".  "What, what nonsense are you spouting out now?".  A chair is thrown inside a window smashes into shards.  "GET DOWN!"  Sona yells.

As she yells that she jumps on him for protection.  He notices he's in another world that isn't real because, Sona doesn't have her powers and she didn't glide as soon as she jumped in to protect him.

Back to the real world.

Sona walks inside the fat drug lords house and walks upstairs to talk to James.  She runs up to him hugs him once she sees him to soften him up so that once he lowers his guard down, she can turn him in to the authorities.  "Oh James I miss you so much!!!".  He looks surprised, "What is this about....  He suspiciously asks as he glares towards the other side.  "Put on this blindfold I have a surprise for you."  She winks.  He starts getting aroused as she rubs him sexually down there and her puts on the purple blindfold she hands him.

Phoebes afterlife.

Phoebe sees people getting tortured in hell burning constantly burning infinitely and killing innocent people over and over forced, to the devils dirty labor work.  A lady next to her tells her.  "There's a way you could escape out of this literal hellhole.... AHHHHH".  She screams in pain as she's on fire.  "How?!"  She asks her.  "You have three options.  One we have a latter that leads back to planet earth once you reach the top filled with dirt you will die in this world and be reborn into the other one but, your memories will be forgotten.  It's covered with a cloaking shield a demon created for us."

"Second one is, ask the devil to recruit you to as a demon and he will if he thinks you've suffered enough you will have black wings like a dark Angel, but your feelings of empathy, sadness, and fear will disappear.  You will just have feelings of anger, rage, unintentional joy and happiness and the other feelings you've lost will never come back.  Third option is you over work yourself here in hell and become a ghost in the real world."  "Oh, AHHH!!!".  "So which one do you choose Phoebe?!"  She yells at her because of the pain she's enduring."  "The first one!"  She tells her. 

"Okay!!!  Follow me."  She follows the lady as she puts her faith and trust in her to get out of this hellhole that was intended for Satan the fallen Angel.  She opens the invisible curtains and shows her the ladder is up there."  "You will get tired it takes a whole day to escape but I believe you can climb up to the top, only 4 people have escaped so far.  Be the fifth to escape!!!!!!"

"I have to go save yourself and not others!  Goodbye Phoebe."  The lady walks away and Phoebe starts climbing the white glowing ladder in agonizing pain.

Meanwhile in the real world.  Sonia falls asleep in the hospital room with Richard by herself.  A butterfly from the open window comes inside, flys over her shoulder but, has a poisonous scent and a venomous bite whenever it bites someone.  The teeth reaches the shoulder and tries to bite her but a doctor opens the door and scares off the butterfly back out the window.  Sonia wakes up. 

"You should get some sleep mam".  The doctor says, you can come check on him next week after we do a physical check up on him and feed him while he's in a deep coma."  "Okay I guess I will go I will be back though."  She walks out of her hospital to her car, and drives home. 

What's worth saving Volume IIIWhere stories live. Discover now