Leave me alone: 💕🌍

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Slight Terukane

Modern AU

Akane POV:

I woke up after taking a quick nap. As I checked the time it read: 11:56 PM.


I got up quickly and speed-walked to my closet and pulled out basic jeans and a normal black sweater. Since all we were doing was going out, I just put on some Uggs. (I love uggs omg)

I checked the time again. 12:00 AM.

I really need to get going now, like NOW.

Before I left I grabbed a few snacks that I had leftover, blue Gatorade, medium sized bag of chips, and a bottle of water. And stuffed it all in a bag.

Grabbed my phone and some headphones and head out the door.

Nobody POV:

As Akane walked out the door, he made sure to close it and lock it. Walking to the park near the school they went too, he listened to music while humming to it. When he was halfway there, he noticed the time said 12:10. 10 minutes late...

He started hurrying to get there. Akane wasn't really the type to be late, at least all the time.

As he was walking, he felt hands wrap around his waist.

Whoever was behind him took of his headphones, whispering "Hello Vice President...."


"Ehee~" Apparently Teru was late also, and managed to catch up to Akane. "God damn it you scared me..."

"I'm sorry~ mmmMwa!" Teru planted a kiss on the top of his head. "Wh-" Before Akane could say anything, he got pulled by Teru.

"G-God damn it Teru...."


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