Nurses Office: 👤💕

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Hanako x !sick fem reader

The bells rings as Y/N and Yashiro are in their seats.
As the two are listening to their teacher, Y/N sneezes for the second time in their class.

"Y/N are you ok? This is the second time you've sneezed." Yashiro spoke in a concerned tone.

"Ah- Yes I-I'm fine!" *Y/N sniffs*

"Alright then... If you sneeze more than 3 more times im taking you to the nurse!"

"Yashiro, I'm fine!! Trust me."

*Bell rings*

The sound of scholars getting ready for their lunch break was spread threw the classrooms to the hallways.

The two young ladies are sitting next to each other where a window and flowers were.

Until another young exorcist came.

"Hello Kou!"

"Hey guys! I couldn't find Mitsuba so I decided to eat with you guys, if you don't mind of course..."

"It's al-"

*Y/N fucking sneezes again.*

"That's it Y/N! I'm taking you to the nurse's office right now!"

"Ah- Yashiro-"

Before Y/N can say anything, she was dragged by Yashiro with her lunch still in her hand.

"Wait for me guys!!"

While the three was ran to the nurses office, Hanako was hanging out with Tsuchigomori in a classroom.

While the two were hanging out, Hanako overheard the running and rushing from the trio outside of the classroom.

While Tsuchigomori was talking, Hanako was staring outside the classroom wishing he was there.

"You wanna go with them, hm?"

"Oh, how did you know?"

"You weren't listening to me until you heard them running down the halls."

"You know me so well Mr. Tsuchigomori!"

"Go ahead, I don't mind."

The ghost boy just smiled as a "thank you".

Just as the three got to the Nurses office, Hanako was right behind them.

He was waiting for the right time to pop out of nowhere and scare the living life inside of the three out of their bodies.

"Ah, hello children! What seem to be the problem?"

"Hello Miss Sousuke! My friend here, Y/N, has been sneezing non stop lately!"

"Oh my... poor thing! Class is about to start in 5 minutes... You two should head back while I'll excuse your little friend."

"O-Oh right! We will be in our way now! Bye Y/N!"

Y/N just waved goodbye knowing she'll see them later.

Kou and Yashiro walked out of the nurses office and hurried to their next class.

"Stay here sweetie. I'll be right back with a thermometer."

Y/N just sat there in the bed. She was bored. Soon enough she felt the atmosphere feel unsteady and weird. Y/N closed her eyes for about 5 seconds and reopened them to a surprised sight.



"Gah... where did you come from?"

"I just now came back from talking to Tsuchigomori!"


*Sigh....* "Spider sensei..?"


"Ah! So you have a visitor so soon?"

Ms. Sousuke came back with a thermometer surprised to see Hanako and Y/N sitting down on the bed.

"W-Wait, you can see him?!"

"Long story..."

After the Nurse took Y/N's temperature the three found out she had a cold.

Y/N was forced to relax at the school before going home to make extra observations.

"So... How does it feel?"


"Yknow... to have a cold? I haven't gotten one in a while due to staying here most of the time."

"O-Oh... *sniff* It sucks."

Y/N layed her shoulder on the ghost boys shoulder...

"But not the bad since your here to accompany me."

"Alright alright, back up, what if it's contagious!!!"

"Your a ghost!! I doubt you can get sick!"

The rest of the time there, they joked, watched videos, and played around.

While Hanako constantly backing up to not get her sickness....

❶ 𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 → 𝐓𝐁𝐇𝐊 ❶Where stories live. Discover now