Love and care: 🌎💕

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Married AU because yes

*Door opening*

"I'm hooooomeee....!"

"Welcome home Hon-"

Teru walked into the house shivering from how cold it was outside. When he left, it was warm so he assumed he didn't need a jacket. He was obviously wrong.

"Teru... if it was getting to cold you could've just came home! Now look at you... Your shivering with a runny nose...."

"I'm sorry, I'm fine trust m-"

*Teru sneezes.*

"Go lay down in the room. I'm making you coco and getting medicine."

"Akane im fi-"



*Teru starts to walk up the stairs into the bedroom.*

Teru changes his clothes into shorts that goes to his knees and a sweatshirt.

After he did so, he climbed into his and the smaller's shared bed.

Its honestly not a surprised when the two started dating. Even when they got married. Matter a fact; after the two got married Teru even thought about having children! Akane didn't deny the thought though. He just wasn't sure of it yet.

(Remember this part lol...)

"I'm back Teru..."

Akane spoke as he slowly opened the door with a cup of cocoa.

He walked towards the taller that had his phone in his hand.

"Akane dear, I'm sure Im-"

*Teru sneezes*

"Yea, your not."

The Teru was in the bed while Akane was next to him in a chair, making sure he was okay.

"After your finished with your drink, put it on the nightstand. Take your medicine after too."

"Okay "mom"...."

"Your lucky I'm taking care of you..."

"I am~"

❶ 𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 → 𝐓𝐁𝐇𝐊 ❶Where stories live. Discover now