143 - terukane:🩷

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The relaxing sound of rain against the window, with a random K-Drama in the background....

"Do you know what my love for you and this credit card have in common? They both have no limit."

"That's so fucking corny."

It's spring break, Akane has nothing planned so far for the break. Maybe he might visit Aoi-chan when she's not with Yashiro... Or maybe try to play some type of random video game with Lemon.... He's not that big of a fun of video games. He's played a few with Lemon and Aoi though.

Akane rolls to the other side of his bed to reach for his nightstand that had his phone. He decides to scroll through instagram for a little bit to see what everyone else is up to.

Kou is hanging out with his friends. Seems like they're having some fun in the city. Not looking for anything specific... Just wandering around.

Lemon is streaming some random RPG game. He's actually quite popular. Not a lot to the point everyone around the world knows him, but a pretty decent amount.

Aoi and Yashiro are at a café. At that, a cat cafe.. The one they took a picture of reminds him of Aoi. Not sure why, but it just did for some odd reason. They had some type of cake that looked way too sweet. But if Aoi likes it, than it's fine..

Akane continues to scroll for a bit until he gets up to find something small to eat. While walking to the fridge, he gets a call. His phone is on one of the counters, so he'll just call the person back later.

As he was about to pour the boiled water into the instant ramen cup until the person called him again. He sighed as he put the pot down for a second and walked to his phone.

He sighed as he realized who was calling him.

"What could you possibly need, president?"

"Hm.. Nothing much. Can you open your front door tho?"



"Is there a reason why you're here."

"Yeah..totally." Teru said as he fell down onto Akane's bed. "Ooh... You're watching Business Proposal too? I'm on this episode too!"

"Y-Yeah... I only started watching it because Aoi-chan was." Akane made an excuse as to why he was watching it on his laptop... He wanted to watch it because he's been into K-Dramas recently as well. Not only because Aoi was watching it.

Akane sits next to Teru on his bed, turning his focus to the show while eating his ramen.

"Haahh... I'm getting bored Aoi. You're making the show boring without any reactions." Teru complained as he shut Akane's laptop. "I would appreciate it if you don't just shut it down like that. If you're getting bored then just leave."

"But i don't want to leave yet! It's the first day of spring break... We have to do something."

Even though Akane didn't like him as much, Teru was right. He couldn't start his spring break sitting around, even if it's raining.

Akane then turns all his attention to Teru.

"Then what should we do, Teru?" He said with a smirk.


"Oh my gosh Teru you are actually an idiot!!" Laughs coming from the both of the boys.

"Thanks for coming over I guess.. I had fun." They both look out the window then their phone. It's pretty late at night... Almost 10:00PM... It's still raining as well.

"You should stay here until the rain clears up. It'll be pretty bad if you get sick."

"Aww, you actually care about me!"

"Shut up before I kick you out..."

Akane gets up from the bed and approaches his closet. While he's looking for clothes, Teru explores the rest of his room. He finds old polaroids of Akane and Aoi when they were younger. The both of them were such adorable tiny kids in their little uniform! Before Akane could come back, he snapped a quick pic of it with his phone and returned back to the bed like nothing happened.

"You better not have done anything..."

"Of course I wouldn't! You can trust me."

"Sure... You should probably tell Minamoto you're staying over."

"Already did. Before I even came here."

Akane did a small chuckle. "So you already planned all of this, huh?"

"Maybe." Teru spoke softly with a smile.

Akane put his phone on his nightstand, and turned off his light. He then got under the covers next to Teru. Just as he did, Teru wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Goodnight Aoi."

"Mm.. Night President."

They both said with a small smile.

y'all i'm back omg kinda
the reason i just stopped updating out of nowhere i ran out of motivation to continue writing and had no ideas 😿
out of nowhere i decided to write again so yeah
also i might delete/private my other books because i don't really like them anymore
also tysm for 4k reads!!! y'all are cool asf anyway byeeee might update again who knows!!!

also pls do request if u want more updates.....

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