2・Gifted Love: 🌎

127 2 0

Akane POV

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"Can I at least get a hello?"

I looked up from my screen, and saw the "familiar figure". One that I didn't expect to see. Especially here.


I was honestly speechless. I tried to say anything but nothing would come out. I had my brain full of questions and thoughts that I wanted to say out loud but none would come out. Before I had a chance to finally say anything, I was cut of by his voice.

"I've noticed you texted me, but I wasn't able to respond."

So he did see the message. He could've at least tried to say something back quickly, or come up with an excuse.

"Why weren't you?"

"I mean- it is quite busy right now..."

I looked around and saw lines that reached the door. I didn't even realize how busy it was until Teru pointed it out. Why was it so busy today? Cant people just go to a different café that's NOT this one?

"I'm getting off in about 25 minutes, if you wanna hang out?"




"Come on Akane! It's been forever since we last hung out! If we ever buy any food, I'll pay I promiseee~ !"

"All right, you big baby."

I chuckled after he begged to hang out with me. If I'm being honest, Teru is quite funny when he's desperate for something.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm editing a video for Aoi."

"Your still after her?"

"No...dumbass. Why would I still her after her when she clearly doesn't like me."

"You did that back at the Academy?"

"Just get me my god damn macchiato."


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"Here's your latte macchiato, sir !"

"Sir? Why so formal?"

"Your a customer, after all."

"Also a close friend, yes?"

"Yes but if I'm being honest..."

"I don't wanna get fired again...hah.."

"Is your manager here or somethi-"

"A-Anyway enjoy your morning sir!!"

He spoke in a rather hurried tone. I don't blame him, it's quite busy today after all. How come he wasn't like that before he went? Did somebody snitch on him or something?


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Sorry for such slow updates! This chapter has been worked on a lot due to not liking some parts or changing ideas.

I also wanted to say I'm soon going to release a Cookie Run oneshot book!

I'm planning on releasing it one I get the request page finished. The estimated release date is probably around 5/4 or 5/8.

And die to preparing it, oneshots may start coming slowly.

Also, thanks for 1k reads!! I appreciate the support you guys gave me and that your liking the tiny little stories ! ♡

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