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Hey guys!

Unfortunately, I'm taking a hiatus.
I felt unorganized and been trying to fix
my schedule and due to lack of motivation

It's just all so confusing;

German lessons
Daily logins
Family things
Unfinished work

I'm trying to fit it all so that I'm able to finish all of the activities above.

Testing right around the corner makes this harder.

I don't know when I'm gonna start writing again but hopefully a few days after testing.

I've also been planning out my future (which I shouldn't) for when I get older.

I'm very sorry for taking another break.
I promise I try to get up and write but nothing comes to mind, which is why I ended Lovergal.


I've started using songs as motivation to write! Lyrics and song names help me think of what I write and what I want to draw, which is a very positive thing for when I come back!

When I come back or before I hope to make a schedule on what to update on what days.

Now, it's just random.

After all, I have 3 oneshot books to update, and if you know me, I don't like being rushed.

So just trying to publish and write oneshots and book and releasing them in time makes it harder.

As much as I love and hate taking breaks, I'm sorry once again.




While I was writing this,
I almost felt
like crying
_| ̄|○

Also check out
my other 2

Sensitive || Genshin Impact
Beware || Cookie Run

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