💐 :: Its that time again :: 💞

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Includes ships such as
And a side of aoinene bc they're little cuties 💞

Thank you guys so much (again) for supporting my series of oneshots, I hope I continue to make you guys happy with my stories (*'︶'*)╯♡

The sounds of birds chirping, cherry blossoms blowing, a few conversations from people across the park, and an alarm clock doing its normal irritating ringing.


Yashiro hurried to get ready by brushing her teeth and washing her face. Normally, she would eat breakfast before but due to the fact she's running late, she most obviously can't.

After that, she runs over to her closet to grab her uniform, leggings, and shoes and puts them on as quickly as she can.

Grabs her bag with everything she needs in there, and as soon as she almosts out the door, she turns back around and to feed Black Canyon, her hamster.

She runs to the school along with everything swaying threw the air as she sprints. As she ran, people gave her weird looks while she bumped into a few on the way.

Once she got to her class, the bell rang meaning first period was starting.

All the students quickly went to their seats.


Finally, the bell rang meaning class was finally over. Yashiro sat up yawing while walking to the door before somebody stopped her.


"YuAHHh- Oh— Aoi..!"

"You didn't show up for homeroom today, did you sleep in again?" It was Aoi. She's been noticing Yashiro's been a lot more late these days.

"Yea. I don't know why though! I sleep at the same time every day and I still somehow miss the alarm, and be late!"

"That must mean..."

Aoi leaned closer with her hand covering the side of her mouth, whispering,

"Somebody's been thinking about you!"

"Hmm... somebodys' thinking about me..?"

Yashiro almost thought it was impossible for somebody to be thinking about HER... I mean, she gets criticized for her big ankles after all.

Unless it could've been...



❶ 𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 → 𝐓𝐁𝐇𝐊 ❶Where stories live. Discover now