Save your tears: 💞🍃🎶

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Slight angst, slight fluff
idk what I'm doing but I felt like writing so yey.


One of my fav songs so I used this as a comeback 😈


"Where is he.."

Mitsuba was walking around the school garden, waiting for Kou. The two were supposed to meet once Kou was done with school to take some pictures.

It's been a while since they've been able to hang out properly due to Kou being busy. Tiara's daycare has gotten closed down for a week due to one of the kids getting sick, so he has to watch her while Teru is still at school doing student council stuff.

Mitsuba sat down on the ground while on his knees.

"What if he forgot.."

"It's not like I NEED him to be here anyway.."

Mitsuba felt his cheeks getting wet and his eyes foggy.

"I don't... *sniff* need him.."

"I..don't.. I really don't ..!"

Soon enough, he started breaking down.

Kou was the only one he could talk to about his problems without feeling judged. Kou was basically his favorite person. He really loved Kou.

If he were human, he would do anything and everything to stay with him for eternity.

He loved watching Kou bake small snacks like cookies and cupcakes.

Kou always made sure to make a special one for Mitsuba. If it was a cupcake, he would add a strawberry on top with pink sprinkles. If it were cookies, he would make them warm and slightly mushy yet not too mushy.

Mitsuba really missed Kou.
He really wanted to see Kou

He was just about to leave, thinking he wasn't gonna be able to make it.


A boy came running over to him as fast as he could with a bag in his hand.

"Mitsuba.. I made cookies for you but they took longer than expected, which was why I was so late.. but now we can take as much photos you want-!"

He looked up to realize Mitsuba was crying.

"M-Mitsuba?! Why are you crying?? Did I take too long? Im sorry, please don't cry!!"

Kou put down the bag to wipe Mitsuba's tears.


He held Mitsuba's cheeks and put his forehead against the his.

"Save your tears for another day.."



Anyways I like mitsukou angst so ya

My discord is
NIYA !!!#8113

If u wanna friend me

I might make a server for my books so stay tuned !!

And the eternity part was totally not a reference to my genshin impact book.


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