Gifted Love: 💬🌎

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Dead people=alive

Streamer AU

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Akane POV.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. Tired, I slammed my hand as hard as I can to shut it off. I got up and went to the bathroom to at least try to look like I didn't just get out of bed (which I did).

It was raining outside. I love the rain, but not how it brings me bad luck. It's like a friend you trust dearly until they end up tricking you. That's quite sad, hm?

As I finished brushing my teeth, I went to my dresser to get some normal and comfy clothes that look decent enough. Then went to go get my favorite hoodie to go with it.

As I walked out the door with my computer in my bag, I double checked to make sure I had my keys. I honestly didn't know where I was going. I just try to get out of my apartment every once in a while.

Sometimes I might go to café's, or parks to relax and do my work. At parks, sometimes it's quiet. And when it's not, there are kids playing or some random group of adults working out.

I've always wanted to do something with my life besides working, going to the same places, and talking to friends. Maybe I can ask Aoi or Yashiro for some recommendations...


I realized I haven't talked to Teru in quite a while. Wonder how he's holding up... Didn't he lose his job due to being late a lot? Maybe I'll visit. Maybe he went back to exorcising.

I'll visit tomorrow.

But first, I should let him know in case he has plans. In school, he was quite a busy guy (fucking tying me up every fucking time I stepped foot into the classroom....).

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Teru: 8:56 -

Are you busy tomorrow ?

Hello ???



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Hm. He must be busy. As I looked up from my phone and paused my music, I realized I was at my favorite café. Finally. I don't live that far away so I don't know why it took so long to get here...

As I walked in without paying any attention, I bumped into quite a tall, figure. Familiar tall figure at that.

"Ow- I'm sorry..." I quickly but slowly said as I tried to rush to the seat where I normally sit at. "It's fine." Spoke the other person. They sounded very familiar... It was probably just somebody I've seen in college.

As I sat down, I got my laptop out my bag and logged in. I was helping with editing Aoi's video she requested from one of her streams. She were playing a horror game with a few others that I knew.

Maybe I should join them one day... But I might just freak out last minute. Talking to people is quite hard after all. I forgot I needed my headphones to hear what they were saying... I didn't want anyone else in the café to hear what they were talking about after all.

Just as I was about to plug my headphones in, somebody tapped my shoulder. I assumed it was one of the waiters so I just said "Latte macchiato, thanks."

"Can I at least get a hello?"

❶ 𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 → 𝐓𝐁𝐇𝐊 ❶Where stories live. Discover now