Gameshow with On Command!

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Before we start- I wanna say that the hosts are wearing: A suit with a tie representing their assigned colour (Pink for Angel, Purple for Vade & Ruby, etc...) And a cute little top hat. Bc why not? <3

CJ: "And we're backstage at the... The Gameshow show! Hosted by The Gameshow show! Who- which was..-"
Faith on stage: "Starting the show! Please go to your seats!"
CJ: "Which is hosted by: Faith, Angel, Vade and Ruby! Because yes. Alright so.. There's like a 100 people here or something like that. And they're all gonna watch me, Abel, Max and Mark compete. For... Something? OH GOD! And it's starting..."
Max: "I'm so nervous..."
CJ: "I'm nervous too! I'm so nervous that I'm gonna sing. I'm gonna-"
Abel: "No don't-"
[Insert Inverted Ascension]

Abel: "Oh my god..."

Please stand by...

CJ: "*gasp* IT'S STARTED! ACK-"
Max: "Okay here we go..."
CJ: "I'm so nervous! WAIT DON'T GO OUT YET!! Let's just... take a peek.."
They look through the curtains to see a lot of people.
CJ: "There's so many people!"
Mark: "Oh.."
Angel: "This is the first ever show from The Gameshow show!"
CJ: "Oh yeah! They're gonna do more and it's being streamed! On TheMaskedChris' Twitch right now." (Not fr ofc this is a fucking script-)

CJ: "Woah... Look how many there are!"
Vade goes to the curtains.
CJ: "*gasp*" He then runs away.
Mark: "There's so many.."

Angel: "Today we have 4 contestants who will try to win the prizes we have for them. Please welcome our first guest... Max!"
Ruby: "H-Hello Max..! Why don't you tell us a little a-about yourself?"
Max: "Potted Plant."
CJ: "*Laughter* Wow! Very nice!"
Abel: "*Laughter* Potted plant?"
Max: "That's all!"

Angel: "Thank you Max... Our next contestant is CJ!~"
CJ runs on stage: "MEEE!! Oh wait I gotta do my pose-"

 Our next contestant is CJ!~" CJ runs on stage: "MEEE!! Oh wait I gotta do my pose-"

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CJ: "YEAH. Here wait- Imma do like one of those when they like, high-five the whole audience! Like-"

[Insert that happening for a sec-]
CJ: "Hi! Me! ^^ Today- *Laughter* That's all!"

Angel: "Thank you CJ! Our next contestant is Abel!"
[Insert CJ coughing]

Abel: "That's mee! That's my name! I haven't been able to shit in seven years. AND. You can check me out on YT at Abel Studio! NOT Abel Stable."
CJ: "I think we never made that clear, his YT channel isn't Abel Stable anymore. Its Abel Studio. For a while it was Abel Stable.."
Abel: "Yes! *Laughter*"

Angel: "Thank you Abel! Our last contestant is Mark!"
[Insert clapping & etc]

Ruby: "G-go ahead and introduce yourself love..!"
Mark: "Hello! I am Mark."

Max: "Look at the-the- the person with that one hoodie your threw into the audience!"
CJ: "EW- I'M SURE THEY HAVEN'T WASHED THAT- WHO LET THEM IN?? It's a kid too oh god..."

[Insert CJ without his hoodie just flexing or sum-]

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