𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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  NESRIN HATED REVISING, it was definitely in her bottom things to have to do

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  NESRIN HATED REVISING, it was definitely in her bottom things to have to do.

It was something she could just never get into, her mind would drift to other things like what she was going to eat for tea or how many chapters she had left for the book she was currently reading.

Otis and Noa on the other hand studied religiously. The two of them spent a large portion of some days in the library or sprawled out in the Hufflepuff common room studying.

Today was one of those days, Nesrin sat at the table they were occupying with her head propped in her hand staring off into space while Otis and Noa were focused on revising for their O.W.L's.

"You're going to fail your O.W.L's if you don't start revising, you know." Otis said to Nesrin as he looked up from his parchment.

This snapped Nesrin out of her daydream, "No i won't, i never do" she sighed.

"I wouldn't get so cocky, winging it is bound to stop working at some point"

Nesrin shrugged, "I have until the end of the year to start revising, it's not even been christmas yet".

"Christmas holidays are next week, babe" Noa piped up, tightening her ponytail.

"Exactly, i have ages yet"

  "Good job you aren't in Ravenclaw" Otis mumbled, scribbling down stuff on his parchment.

     "Hallelujah" Noa remarked sarcastically.

Nesrin scoffed, "Ha ha you're both hilarious."

  "Excited to watch your boyfriend play quidditch tonight?" Otis asked, smirking.

"He's not my boyfriend, Ot!" Nesrin goaned, the two of them had been winding her up calling him her boyfriend since she went to hogsmeade with him on Saturday and it was starting to really wind her up.

Otis snorted out a laugh and Noa bit her lip to stop one spilling out, "Whatever you say, sunshine" Otis snickered.

"You are both absolutely impossible" Nesrin groaned into her parchment that layed in front of her and had yet to have anything written on it.

Noa then randomly asked, "Do you fancy wood?".

Nesrin furrowed her brows at Noa and said, "Yeah, Why?"

"Just wondering" Noa shrugged and looked back to her book.

"You sure you don't fancy a certain red head?" Otis teased, deciding to join in.

Nesrin snorted in amusement, "Fuck off".

Nesrin eventually picked up the courage to pick up her quill and at least write her name, date and the title on her parchment but didn't get much further when a angry looking Harry Potter stormed over to her.

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