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It was awkward sitting with Ebony. Qibli kept wanting to call her "Moon" and he always kept an eye on Moon and Shard sitting together. After a while, they flew off together. Qibli felt crushed. No, worse than crushed. Smashed into tiny pieces and then pulverized.

"Are you just sitting with me to be nice?" Ebony asked suddenly.

"What makes you think that?" Qibli replied.

"Do you actually have a crush on Moon?" she asked instead of replying.

"Did Sienna tell you that?" he asked.

"Do you want to go and fly with her, but you feel sorry for me so you're sitting with me?" Ebony demanded.

"What makes you think that?" Qibli said again.

"This!" growled Ebony. She held up a painting accusingly. Oh no, my painting of Moon and me, Qibli thought.

"I promise that's not what you think it is," Qibli tried.

"Do you think I'm so brainless that I'll think this is me," snarled Ebony, "But look." She pointed to the silver teardrop scales by Moon's eyes. "There's no way this is me."

"Its-." he began.

"I thought you liked me," Ebony growled, "I guess I was wrong." She hurled something at Qibli and stalked out of the prey center. Qibli looked at what she'd thrown at him. It was the painting she'd given him. Someone had torn it in two. There were a few words written on the back of one of the pieces.

I guess you dislike me so much you tore this.

That isn't true, Qibli thought, Since Moon likes Shard, Ebony is-was-my only chance.

He flew out of the prey center.

He soared over the mountain, spiraling around the twin peaks. That's when he saw snowy scales flashing. Moon and Shard were flying together talking about something. A few words drifted to him.

"I...Qibli...wished...but...now...you," Moon said.

"Sorry...Ebony...why...couldn't...now," Shard replied.

"Sometimes...another...don't know...maybe," Moon told him.

"My...when...war...didn't...lost...wished...tried...you," Shard said sadly.

"Oh...sad...why...could...maybe...did...watching...peace," Moon replied.

Qibli couldn't stand to listen any longer. He turned and flew away.

Sand and Stars: A Moonbli StoryWhere stories live. Discover now