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gonna keep this short and sweet but you guys should go check out my multifandom imagines story on my page, i just published it and my first imagine will either be out today or tomorrow, or if I decide to make it longer (which I may do, there's quite a few things I want to include so i haven't decided whether I'll split it up or make it a longer imagine) it should be out hopefully with the next week or so.

idk how much i'll update there, but sometimes i'm very intrigued to write for someone that isn't in cobra kai and i don't have a place to do that, but now i do!!

have an amazing day everybody, stay hydrated and if you have exams this week as i, or next week or farther in the future good luck!! if you already did them good job and way to do it i know it can be stressful. love you guys<33


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