chapter 7

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"Zhongli, this seems a little excessive..."

Zhongli stood in their living room holding a book called What to Expect: a Complete Guide to Pregnancy (Omega Edition).

"There's nothing wrong with being cautious, Ajax," Zhongli justified.

"There's 'being cautious,' and there's 'not being able to leave the house,'" Childe huffed. "Can't we find a balance? I'm perfectly healthy, I'm just..." he brought a hand to his stomach and blushed. "...p-pregnant."

About a month had passed since that confirmation. Yes, he was pregnant again. They celebrated with many tears when the doctor gave them that congratulations. As if on cue, symptoms started in full force the next day. Morning sickness, mood swings, tiredness. Everything he felt the first time, but instead of greeting these changes with fear and muddled feelings, he accepted them with joy. His body was preparing for new life. Hopefully, he would see it all the way through. Hopefully, he could come out of this pregnancy with a baby in his arms. To finally be a mother.

His nausea was almost as intense as the first time, which scared him. Was it a sign? Could he lose this child as well? The possibility of a second loss kept him up at night. But Zhongli soothed his fears and nerves, even though he felt the exact same fear.

The anniversary of the miscarriage was coming soon. The mood in the household grew ever more somber as it drew near. The child they never had...they couldn't forget the pain of losing that small, potential future. All the dreams they had for that child. Everything, gone within a few hours.

Childe focused back on his stomach, full of new life, growing every day. He rubbed it gently, trying to feel it within him. Could he celebrate this new life while still honoring the one lost?

Zhongli placed a hand over his, as if reading his mind. "This isn't a betrayal of what we lost. It's a celebration of our new love, and our strength together."

Childe sniffed, tears gathering in his eyes. Stupid hormones. "Tomorrow, I want to honor our child. I want to do something."

"I do as well."

They held a small service for their child the next day, hoping somehow, it, and they as well, could move on.

They each dream of the future they imagined with that child. Moments that feel so real, they seem like memories.

Perhaps, this was a goodbye of sorts from that child. Before they woke up, a final message rang through their heads.

Thank you for loving me

They woke up, tears dropping silently from each of their eyes, and embraced. Sadness but also a sense of closure fill their hearts. Their child...was gone. That would never change, but they felt as if they could move forward.

They'd always remember what they lost, but that hope for the future no longer felt like a betrayal. It was a celebration, just like Zhongli said.

Perhaps that child was out there, watching over them.

As another month passed, Childe found himself craving more and more meat. He wanted all meat, all the time. Leafy greens made him gag. Seafood also made him gag, much to Zhongli's barely hidden delight. It was definitely his child, after all.

In the tenth week of his pregnancy, he found his tummy a little rounder than last time. He wasn't sure why. He'd lost weight since last time, and some Omega pregnancies only produced a slight bump. But his bump, if it was this size so early, he'd be huge by the end.

Zhongli ran into their bedroom when he began to cry.

"What's wrong!?" He asked, frantically.

"My'll be huge! I don't- I don't wanna be big and ugly!" Childe sobbed uncontrollably. Stupid hormones again!

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