chapter 13

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Childe felt the stinging sensation of sunlight against his eyes. With a groan, he tried to open his eyes.

"Zhongli..." he mumbled, reaching out, hoping he'd be there.

"I'm here, Ajax," Zhongli said, grabbing onto his hand. "How do you feel?"

"The sun is too bright..."

He sighed in relief as sun was out of his eyes. Opening them, he saw a very frazzled and tired looking Zhongli. It was their teapot abode.

Looking down, he found his stomach much flatter than he remembered. A moment of confusion passed before he remembered. He'd given birth.

"My babies!" Childe panicked. "Where are they? Are they all right? I remember holding them and then-"

"Ajax, they're okay. They're sleeping in their cribs. They're perfectly healthy newborns," Zhongli said, holding his arm to soothe him.

"Then what happened?"

Zhongli's expression fell slightly. "You were bleeding too much. The doctors thought you wouldn't make it, but the Adepti and I used our power to speed the healing process. You're absolutely fine now."

"I'm not...immortal or anything, am I?"

"No, although I wouldn't call you a normal human either."

Childe laughed a little. "As if I was a normal human before. Now, I wanna see my babies!"

As if on cue, the sharp cries of two infants echoed from the other room. Zhongli chuckled. "I think they want to see you too."

Childe waited patiently as Zhongli brought two very fussy, hungry babies to their mother. The louder of the two, the boy, screeched and wiggled in Zhongli's arms. The girl was less active, but still cried.

"Give them here," Childe beckoned. Zhongli obliged, gently handing over the two babies.

"We still have to name them," Zhongli said.

"That's right...I completely forgot."

The boy, feeling the warm chest of his mother close to him, leaned over and tried to latch onto him, seeking milk. Childe unbuttoned his shirt and allowed the little baby access to his chest. He gasped at the sensation of feeding his child. The girl began to do the same, and he did the same for her. It was intense, magical, all the words his sisters-in-law had used to describe their first breastfeeding experience. also hurt. His babies had no teeth! How did their gummy mouths manage to pinch so much!? He couldn't help the slight wince.

"Childe?" Zhongli said, concerned.

"Just...getting used to being a Mama," Childe groaned.

When the boy was done eating, Childe handed him to Zhongli. Zhongli wasn't sure what to do.

"You have to burp him, or he'll get cranky later," Childe said.


Childe sighed. He was dealing with a complete beginner. "Put his head on your shoulder, and pat his back gently until he burps."

Zhongli, cautiously, did as instructed. The girl finished her meal, and was given the same treatment. The boy was returned to his arms, and he got a better look at the two for the first time since birth.

The boy gurgled with curiosity. His thin wiry baby hair was the same shade as Zhongli's, with a pair of blue tipped nubs on his head, that would, undoubtedly, grow into horns just like his Papa's. His eyes were a bluish green. He was surprised. A couple members of his extended family had green eyes, but he didn't expect it in his baby.

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