chapter 10

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Childe couldn't see anything around him past the darkness. He tried to get up, but found himself tied to something cool and flat. An operating table.

Looking down he could see messy, bloody stitches over where his womb would be. Dread shot through his system. His babies...where were his babies!?

"Ah, dear Eleventh, the operation was a resounding success. Two half-Adeptus children for my research," Dottore said cheerfully. "I can dissect one and experiment on the other. Perfect!"

Childe struggled against his restraints. Not his babies! He wouldn't let Dottore even touch a hair on their perfect little heads. He'd kill him. He wanted him dead.

Dottore laughed. "Your struggling is so cute, Eleventh. Has that motherly instinct kicked in? Even though you've never seen your children? Such an Omega. I don't know how you ever made it to the role of Harbinger."

He tried to scream. He looked down again, and he was in that same nightgown, stained red. He lost...his babies...his baby...

There were hands on his tummy, his neck, his face, everywhere. He felt dirty, as if these hands stained him. He whimpered out sobs.

" babies..." he begged. "Give me my babies..."

Dottore only laughed, his form growing large and distorting into something not human. A monstrous hand covered his lower stomach.

"I will take your children," it growled.

Childe screamed.

"Ajax! Ajax please wake up!"

Childe came back to himself, feeling the soft plush of their bed, the sheets over him, and Zhongli gripping his hand. He gripped back onto that hand, and sobbed.

Ever since they got back to Liyue nightmares had kept him awake most nights, and only Zhongli could soothe him out of them. He was so scared of losing his babies, like he had their older sibling.

"I...I let him touch me..." Childe sobbed. "What if...he did something to them...!?"

"You didn't let him do anything," Zhongli soothed. "What happened wasn't your fault. If anything, the fault is mine. I left you alone."

"No! I put our babies in danger! It was my fault! I can't lose them- if I lose these ones too, I'll- I'll break apart!"

"It wasn't your fault. It was never your fault. He attacked you. He threatened you and our babies." Zhongli's horns started to peek out of his hair. "I'll never forgive him. If it wasn't for the Cryo Archon's intervention, I would have killed him myself."

Though he was still crying, Childe felt so loved. Zhongli was willing to do so much for him. It made his heart swell.

"Her Majesty promised he would be kept under constant surveillance by her most loyal soldiers. It's unfortunate, but he holds too much information, so many things only work because of him...he can't be killed," Childe mumbled.

"That bastard..." Zhongli growled, his sharpened teeth grinding against each other.

"Easy...easy..." Childe soothed with a chuckle. He squished his plush narwhal into his face. "Don't focus on him. Focus on me. On our babies." He scooted up in bed until his round tummy peeked just over the sheets.

On seeing his wife's beautiful tummy, Zhongli calmed himself. He touched the bump slowly, and let out a few noises Childe couldn't really understand. He felt a slight squirm in his womb as if in response.

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