chapter 11

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"Zhongli, I'm bored...I wanna go somewhere..." Childe whined, leaning back on their couch. His baby bump had rounded out to where absolutely no clothing could hide it. Even his maternity clothes hung off it, making him look like he'd swallowed a watermelon whole.

"We could visit the Adepti again. I'm sure they'd love to see you and our little bundles of joy," Zhongli suggested.

"We did that weeks ago! I wanna go on a vacation! Not to see family!" He began to sob out of nowhere. "The babies keep kicking my back and putting pressure on my feet and my fucking bladder! My chest hurts! I'm constantly horny! I'm suffering just sitting at home doing nothing!"

"You could go to do a day of work at the Northland Bank, just as a change of pace."

"...mmm fine! But I'm not gonna enjoy it."

Still in tears, Childe got up and found his uniform. Unsurprisingly, it didn't fit around his swollen belly. He grumbled before throwing the overcoat onto his shoulders and making his way to work.

At work, he could feel the eyes on his impressive baby bump. He hadn't officially announced it to the staff, but most of them at least had a vague idea.

"What are you staring at!?" He snapped, the pain in his back and feet irritating him.

Every employee turned straight back to their work.

In his office, he found Ekaterina organizing his documents, and Mikhail in a corner, feeding his baby.

"S-sir! How nice of you to return to the office today," Ekaterina said. "I was just about to deliver some documents to your residence, but seeing as you're here, would you like to take care of them now?"

"Yeah, sounds good," he groaned as he finally made it to his desk. The weight came straight off his feet and he practically moaned. The relief was almost orgasmic.

"Sir!" Mikhail trotted over with his infant, looking apologetic. "I'm so sorry for bringing my child to work, but my wife was busy today, and-"

"Don't worry about it," Childe mumbled, covering his eyes to stop the dizziness suddenly sitting had caused. "You had to."

"You are too kind to me and little Clara."

Childe peeked over his arm to see a cute little baby, gurgling happily. She had her mother's bright green eyes overtaking the newborn baby blue, but her tiny tuft of hair was jet black.

"Hello there, Clara," he greeted the baby. She only stared at him.

Mikhail laughed softly. "She's a little shy with new people."

"How old is she?"

"Only about a month. Maria and I are trying to find a balance between work and's been quite difficult."

"Only a month maternity leave? I thought the Fatui offered more for Omegas."

"I wanted to come back earlier...I don't do well with being cooped up at home...but she still needs to be fed..."

Clara began to fuss, then cry. Mikhail sighed, and tried to calm her down.

"Seriously, I think you should take a little more time. At least until you and Maria can work things out logistically," Childe urged.

"I think you might be right. But..." Mikhail looked more tired and defeated than he'd ever had in all the time Childe had known him. The responsibilities of being a new parent were weighing him down considerably.

"Do what you need to. I'll take responsibility for any time off you need," Childe said. "We Omegas have to look out for each other."

"Yes! You're absolutely right!"

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