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So I was  waiting on that text from bey I was nervous but than my door bell rang so walked down stairs and there was this man standing there. Me: may I help you ( as I said nervously) him: yes am is your mom home. Me : sorry but my mom doesn't live here wwho are you
Him: shut up bitch and let me in as he pulled the gun out and held it to my head
I kick him in the nuts and run up stairs for dear.life he was coming after me I had enough time to call bey and tell her to call for help but I didn't. Hang up.the phone he walked and said bich were are I know your in here I was so scared I was in my closet I heard the door.knob turn I closed my eyes and heard a gun shot

BRI I heard a voice say it sounded like bey
Bri: im in here I said ( scared asf) 
Bey : omg are you ok im so sorry I wish I could of text you. Quicker none of this would of happened

Bri:  is is ok I guess I feel safe. Now that your here thank you

Bey: no problem. Look if you want to stay at my house fir a. Couple. Of days you can

At that moment. I was frozen. At the thought of what she just said but yet how someone. Just tried. To kill me.

Bey: hello

bri: huh oh yes I think that's. Best for me

I walk away still. thinking  about what just went down. 
As bey followed behinded me into my room to get some clothes

Bri: I just want to thank. You again. Bey ( as I hugged her)

Bey: im what about you clothes

Bri: oh yea the clothes

I packed. My clothes. And things and put them in my car bey told me to follow her so I did 15min later we arrived. At her house. Omg I couldn't. Believe. My eye like her home was beautiful. From the flowers to the trees so I pulled in the driveway and got out she unlocked the door and. I walked in it was amazing. I never been in a celebrity. House. Before

Bey: make your self at home

Bri : ok

As I was admiring the nice things she had wishing I was in her shoes without Netherlands drama 

Or anything I walked to this door like it was hidden but it had the knob my hand slowly grab the 

Doorknob and there was Beyoncé hand don't touch that door it's like her eyes grew angry I was scared I never saw Beyoncé like that she then calm down and said

Bey: are you hungry 

In my mind I was bit you can't cook 

Bri: aaaa yea I guess 

Bey: good I go cook 

O lord she about to kill me she know her ass can't cook 

Bri: what you cooking 

Bey: oh no I said it wrong my maid is cooking the food 

Whoo thank you God 

Meanwhile while her maid was cooking me and bey went upstairs to the guess room she helped me unpack 

Bri: can I ask you something 

Bey: yea

Bri: are you and jay together 

Bey sat down on the bed with this look that almost made me cry

Bey: the the rumors was true he cheated ( she cried) why why I'm all he could of wanted I'm not ugly 

I couldn't stand her crying I sat down beside  her I rubbed the tears off her cheek 

Bri: don't cry bey 

When I said that she look at me both of our eyes connect no talking  bey leaned closer 

Bri: bey I can't  im not

Bey: please  I need you (as she whispers in my ear)

Bri: I can't im sorry

She pull back and got up

Bey: it's OK

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