over the years

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15 years past by the love of my.life is still here   my life is good  blue is wonderful shes well taken care of ............

Alright alright let me stop lying to.you guys my life has been a living hell they let bey out of jail for good behavior she trying to kill my ass kelly left me stuck with blue i just cant get a break

When bey find me im a dead person come on now all those people she killed and they let her ass out on good behavior what type shit is that tf  now i got to find a place to live  im about to go to africa were all the famous people that fake there death go shidd bey is a crazy insane person right when my life is going good she come

Bey im on a hunt for that bitch bri im fresh out of jail yea

All this shit she put me through and than she go and marry kelly like fuck the bullshit i want her like a liob want its prey damn after all these year i still love the bitch haha i havent had my.pussy ate ever sense she ate it damn let me go get myself together

Bey still had her house after all these year bey walked in her house took a long ass shower little did she know i got connection i call one of my homies to go get get her ass i might as well kill her before she kill me this is war bitches!

I got a phone call

Me: hello

??: im on my way over there

Me: ight bet tell that bitch to make a wish because this will be her last

??: ight see you when i see you

Meanwhile bey is putting on her clothes

??: dont fucking move

Bey: alright but your making a big mistake

??: move you ass come hear

Bey:alright alright take it east

??: hurry up your old soulmate told me to tell you to make your last fucking wish

Bey: she did well tell her i wish that  she can come eat this pussy
Bey began to laugh

??: shut the fuck up and get in the car
They got in the car

??: drive nigga

They will soon be arriving at there location 

??: a nigga stop right here

Beyonce get yo ass out come on

Bey listen they were at this place in the woods

?? Knocks on the door

Me: its open nigga

Bey walks in i looked at her

Me: long time no see the bitch that ruin my life

Bey:come here so you can eat this pussy

Me: fuck no


Shit shit

Dang who got shot

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