well damn

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I'm standing looking at a woman I thought was trying to save me her and blue from Jay and know I don't even now was going on

Bri : was going on bey

Bey: just put the gun down

Oh hell no she thinks im about to put this gun down for her ass to shoot me well Jay standing there wanting to kill me to I'm no trying to kill two famous people but my life is in jeopardy here

Bri: what about blue she's been crying nonstop and you pull out a gun on my after I tried to help you I was here when youuuu neededdddd it me remember you cried to me because Jay cheated on you remember I actually cared for you this nigga don't give two fucks about you if he did he would of cheated


I can't believe this bullshit man
I put the gun down and Bey moved me out the way and shot tf out of Jay I was scared and confused

Bey: come on let's get out of here

I grabbed blue and Misha
Pack my shidd and blue we got tf out

Bey: wait we got to go back


Bey: we can't just leave his body there

Man she right I got out the car and Bey followed

Bri: how we going to get this heavy ass nigga out of here bey

Bey: easy just follow my lead

She went in the hotel closet and got his body bag who keeps body bags in a hotel this shit freaking me out

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