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After Bey stormed out I walk out the room and grabbed her hand wait I said
Bri: it seem as if we started off wrong Bey I can't make myself fall in love if it not there I thought I loved you but I don't I. Sorry all this shit is making me crazy from the day you shot that dude for me it hasn't been the same I mean come on you shot you baby daddy shot a cop we on the run now how did I end up like this why do you just don't see that you can't keep running Bey I'm telling you to turn yourself In but at least less start over because this shit right here ain't cutting it yes it was just sex to me Bey don't get me wrong you sexy and all and can turn a straight bitch gay but I don't love you my dream always was for me to fuck you and leave but I'm a female not a male I can't just do that I wouldn't want that to happen to me Bey what I'm trying to say is less start over Bey let the pass be the pass I need to go back home Bey I can't keep saying her with you

After all that I said Bey just look at me and didn't say anything I walked in the room following Bey I grabbed my suitcase and began packing

Bri: I'm sorry Bey

I walked out to. Never see Bey again


I was back home finally I was free no more murders no more guns I was so happy it's been 4 months since Ive seen Bey

My phone snapped me out of my thoughts

Me: hello
Aman: this is officer Tommy I'm calling to tell you Beyonce Knowles tried to commit suicide

All I was thinking about at that moment WAs it was my fault

Aman: hello

Me: I'm yes I'm on my way

I was driving down the road mad at myself I should of just stayed with Beyonce I should of known she wasn't thinking right but why after 4 months I arrived at the hospital I was beating myself up I got out the car tears falling down my eyes while walking through the doors I walked to the front desk

Me: what room is Beyonce Knowles is in

The woman : just a minute................ She in room 141

I walked quickly to the room when I saw her in that bed I balded

I walked in and grabbed her hand

Me : Bey I cried I'm sorry I fucked up why did I leave you I'm sorry I was only thinking about me Bey wake up bey

The doctor walked in hi are you briana

Me: yes hhh how you know my name

Well miss Knowles left you a letter here you go

Me: what did she do

The doctor : she tried to overdose

At that moment I new Bey needed Me from Jay cheated on Bey and me hurting her she did deserve any of this I

The doctor : I'll be back in an hour to check on her

I nodded and he walked I look down at the letter in my hand and began opening it

βεΨ letter

. If you read this briana I know it's been awhile but I cant live on this earth anymore I have no family I killed so many people I can't do. This anymore you didn't love me music is not an interesting thing anymore I really loved you you broke my heart my heart hurts every time I recap that night. I never think it would come to this but I have to say goodbye

Sincerely Beyonce

I cried so hard I looked up and heard Bey saying help I called the doctor

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